Chapter 59: I Will Carry Your Love With Me

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(Kalia's Pov)

What is it that makes us fall in love with a person? Their attitude, their looks, their build, maybe their personality? Cody had all of those thing that constantly made me want to be with him. Sexually and non sexually. His attitude was good at times, I had seen less and less amount of darkness in him than before. He had a great personality once you got to know him, everyone outside the castle thinks he's this cold hearted, non loving monster. But he's not. He's the opposite.

Why do we judge people so easily? You can be walking down the road and see someone with raggedy clothes on and think to yourself 'Does she not have better clothes?' Maybe she doesn't. That's the thing about people we judge on appearance and whispers that we hear. So what if Kelly, the freshman had sex, it doesn't make her a whore. We judge to easily, and the public does that with all the Simpson's. Alli had to be the sweetest girl I've ever met, and the public criticizes her as being monstrous and wicked because she's simply has a last name.

Cody and I were better, I wondered about the last couple days wether or not Cody and I were a couple. After Moday's events in New Orleans I didn't know what to think, hell we've done it twice since. We acted like a couple but he never asked me to be his girlfriend. It was an assumption that he was.

The one thing that was never ever to be talked about outside of the castle was that Cody had a High witch on his side, and that she was staying in the castle. Aria would be pissed.
Isaac was furious after learning of Taylor, especially since she was already a High witch at so young. There parents where of Mediterranean decent but moved to California and had their children there. Isaac never talked to his brother since they fled Salem, Massachusetts. They had relocated here from California after their parents were killed. It started March 1, 1692 when people started to be tried for witchcraft. His brother, Elijah had wanted to get out of town before the town had figured out they where in fact warlocks, but Isaac had insisted and continued to practice on Salem despite his brothers efforts to persuade him to leave with him. The witchcraft tumors went around for four months before people were starting to be hanged. July, 1692 they both fled Salem and had a falling out in New York in 1693 since then they haven't spoke a single word to each other. Isaac admitted to going to his funeral and he was placed in the Wells's Family Cemetery in California. The Cemetery dated back as far as 1687.

Taylor was left there to bond with her new uncle, as I bird key walked around the castle as Cody was in a private meeting with Jaden, Peter, and Roman. Peter, I hadn't seen him since his 'rebirth' I knew that he was still an Alpha, but with no pack. I knew nothing of how her looked, I know he wanted to see me but I just wrap my head around the idea of my dead brother being alive. Hell I should be ecstatic but I wasn't, Isaac was right I barley knew Peter. Cody had suggested to just go over to Jadens (he was currently staying there until he could get a job to pay for an apartment.) He never started college, he had a high school degree, but Roman wasn't about to ask some vampire to compel a college director to give him a degree in anything he wanted. Roman wanted him to work for it, more importantly he wanted Peter to join the Petrova legacy of being a doctor.

Jaden wasn't, he was a lawyer. Peter and him were so alike that I'm positive that

"My father dismissed for lunch.. Which means we have thirty minutes, that's plenty of time." He said in between our make out, as I straddled him in his chair.

"In here?" I ask pulling away.

"Yeah why not?" He said breathlessly.

"Well it's your office and anyone could walk in."

"Not if I tell the guards...Guards!" Cody yelled as both doors opened quickly and I looked back at them. Two buffer men with beards there hands to their side.

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