Chapter 16: The Big Easy

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(Kalia's Pov)

The fist time I walked into the hotel room I expected it to be trashed, but it was kept clean. The bed showed not wrinkles, like it hadn't been laid in, over on the wall stood a seat with and old looking book open.

"It not as great as your hotel, but I didn't exactly plan a trip to Australia."

"So why come?" I say as I moved closer to the book

"You. I told your brother I would protect you as long as I could. But sometimes you get yourself into your own messes that I can't fix." I ignored him and looked down at a spell, it was in Latin, and I couldn't read it.

"Is this yours?" I ask looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah got it in 1865. A friend of my mother gave it to me when I was about your age." I turn to look at him, Isaac didn't look any older than 35.

"That makes you 166 years old."

"I didn't come to talk about me Kalia, this is about you, and Cody." I sat on a wooden chair beside the desk and crossed my legs.

"I'm listening, you dragged me to your hotel.. What's so important?"

"First, we have a big problem... Well as you know I have an insider, someone that's close to Cody. She checks your room every night, whether your sleeping or not."

"Does she go through my stuff?" He started to shake his head but stopped

"Only the trunk that you have.."

"That's personal." I spat turning to look at him.

"Then why'd you hide the dagger in it?"

"The dagger is safe, no one knows I have it."

"That's where you wrong, Cody found it. The night you found the book."

"It was hidden.. It was locked, the key was somewhere no one could find it..."

"Once Cody noticed you where gone he checked you room and found your closet open and he found it. Did you open it? And accidentally not lock it back?"

"I didn't go into my room. Cody and I went to the beach for my birthday, then we went somewhere.-"


"I'm not telling you.We had to leave and Cody left me to myself, he said he'd only be gone half an hours but it turned into an hour so I went to the library..."

"And you found the book."

"Yeah.." I said looking down as my phone lit up Cody's name appearing, I pressed decline and turned off my phone.

"Did you figure anything out that you didn't know?" Isaac asked.

"Actually I did.. There was a whole chapter over New Orleans.. My father used to live there." I told him setting my phone upside down on the table.

"Yeah, Rowan was something over in New Orleans.." Isaac said getting up and walking over to his bag. "He loved it there, the music, the culture, being in charge." He said and he pulled out a book from the bedside table drawer, he flipped through some pages, and walked over to me.

"The only reason he moved to Cali was because of your mother, she was his whole world." He said handing me a picture. In was of my mom and dad. The standing on a dock, with a lake behind them. "Your father owned quite amount of space in New Orleans." He said sitting down "The bayou, the French Quarter, to name a few... The French Quarter was his favorite place to be when Mardi Gras took place." He said crossing his leg over the other, his ankle laying on the top of his leg.

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