Good night 'Strawberry'

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Jorge's POV

I wake up because of the sunlight who shines streight through the big windows with Tini in my arms. She's still sleeping peacefull. I look and se that Diego is awake to.

"Good morning" i say.
"Good morning" he answers. "Did you sleep well?" He adds smirking.
"Yeah" i laugh "how about you" i say now smirking.
"Good" he laughs.
"You did not let Tini go yesterday" he says.
"What are you talking about?" I ask confused.
"She was thirsty and you did not let her go so Lodo went" he says.

After some minutes Tini and Lodo wake up too. Tini look at me with tired eyes.
"Good morning strawberry" i say with a smile.
"Good morning", she smiles back.
"Oh and sorry, i did not let you go yesterday" i say and she looks confused.
"How do y-" she start but i cut her off by saying "diego".
"Ah..but it's no problem" she says.

*a few days later*

Lodo's POV

Tomorrow is it Tini's birthday, me, Jorge, Diego, Mechi and and Rugge have prepared everything for her suprise, i can't wait to see how she reacts.

Tini's POV

I come home again from my short walk in the park. I meet Cecilia on my way to my room.
"Oh, hi sweety" she says with a smile.
"Hey" i smile.
"The dinner is ready in 10 minutes" she says.
"Okay" i smile and she walk away.

I walk into my room and change clothes, then i walk into Lodo's room where Diego is.
"Hey" they say and i smile to answer.
"Dinner is ready in five minutes, just so you know" i say.
"Okay, thanks" lodo smiles and i leave them alone and walk into Jorge's room, he is sitting on his phone. He looks up when he notice that I am there.
"Hi strawberry" he says with a smile. I laugh and sit down beside him, he place his phone on the table beside his bed and look at me.

"Your mother said that dinner is ready" i say.
"Okay, come then strawberry" he says as he grabs my hand and run to the big kitchen with me after, he is draging me.
"Slow down" i say and breath heavy, he stops.
"You run sooo fast" i say.
"Hm..thank you" he says and start to run again..gosh is he a prince or a runner?

Diego stayed for Dinner, he and Lodo went out to watch a movie. I am now in my room and take off my make-up, change to some more comfortable clothes, after that I walk downstairs to Jorge in the big livingroom. I sit down beside him on the cough.

"Tomorrow will my little strawberry be 18 years!" He says and I laugh a bit.
"Yeah, but I will always be your little Strawberry" I say and twist my arms around his middle.
"That's good strawberry" he answers and take me in his arms. After a while I'm still in his arms and his parents comes with a tray with fruits and snacks aaaand...strawberries! (I just had too😜)

"Look Strawberry, strawberries" Jorge says, I laugh while his parents look confused.
"Yeah, she has a new name, Strawberry." Jorge says and his parents roll their eyes while laughing.

Jorge's POV

we decide to watch a movie. Tini is tired so she lays with her head om my lap on the cough. When the movie is ended Tini is already sleeping. Mum and dad stands up and lift the tray off the table, mum look at Tini.
"Oh..she's tired, we shoulde'nt wake her up" she says.
"I'll take her to her room" I say and look at her.
"Sure?" I nodd.
"Okay, good night" they say and walk away to the kitchen. I take Tini in my arms and carry her up to her room. I place her careful on her bed. I kiss her cheeck.
"Good night Strawberry"

A/N: not very long and good but I hope you like it! Please vote and comment💗

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