My heart says no

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Tini's POV

My lips touch his soft. It feels so right that it is with him.

We pull away and look at eachother with his hands still on my waist and mine on his chest.

"You know you're so special to me" he says looking me in the eyes.
"And you to me"


We have just finished dinner and we're all watching a movie. And me and Jorge..I don't know, we have not talked so much since that happend. I just hope it won't be akward between us..for me it felt right and it was like we were the only ones in the world. It felt perfect. But what did he feel? The same? Or totaly different?

I have not told Lodo about it, and I guess Jorge have not either cause in that case she would just bomb me with tons of questions.


Jorge's POV

I lay in bed with Tini close to me. I can't sleep. Or more right: I can't stop think about what happend today. In that moment, I felt something I've never felt before and I don't know what it is.

*next day*

Tini's POV

We eat breakfast and me and Jorge talk like we use to. I hate it! I really want us to talk about what happend but I am afraid that the truth will hurt.

Lodo's POV

We Walk on a beach, not the beach where the house is, another one that we took the bus to before. I Walk behind Tini and Diego with Jorge beside me.

"When do you leave tomorrow to meet Valeria?" I ask looking up at him, I see how the sparkle of luck in his eyes just dissappear. He shrug.

"If It was that easy. I would not go at all" he responds.
"Why do you even go?? I know you like Tini, more than a friend and in another way than a sister" i say all the way sure.
"I don't know..she Said it" he answers looking down.

I roll my eyes. Is he stupid or?!

"What?" He asks.
"Why do you think she Said that?"
"Easy, she want me to meet her?" He says in a questioning tone.


"But, why would she say it then?" He asks not understanding a thing about what I am saying him.

"Duh. She's a girl. We think in another way than boys" i say. He looks even more confused.
"We don't say exactly what we wants" i add in hope he understands, but of course not. Boys..

"Let's say that a girl don't want someone to meet a person, the girl does not say that that someone that she does not want it. Instead the girl says that that someone should meet that person" I say and he looks like a question mark.

"You girls are so complicated" he groan.

"I know"

"But I understand.......I think" he adds.

"you should talk to her dumbhead" I say simply.
"Come on. You say it like it is the most easy on earth. We both know how nervous you were about only talking to Diego." He says

"I know. He was too. He told me that he had wanted to tell me about how he feels for a long time but he did not, cause he was afraid I would not feel the same, but I did and do. And he Said that get me as girlfriend was the best that ever happend to him" i say.

"But she might not feel the same so it does not matter"

"And what if she do feel the same?"

Jorge's POV

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