Bye my love

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Tini's POV

I walk through the halls in the studio with Jorge who holds my hand tight in his. You can see that it is prom this weekend, or more right tomorrow. They have started with the decoration, and yet it looks really good.

We walk out to wait for the bus as we just finished our last lesson.

I look up at Jorge. The sun shines behind him what makes him look like an angel. I am so glad he's Okay. I don't know what i would've Done If he never woke up.

"Do I look wierd?" He asks with a grin snapping me out from my thoughts. I smile.

"No, you look just perfect" i say looking into his eyes.
"I am so glad you're back"

He wrap his arms around me.
"You know I would never ever leave you"


I lay in my bed doing my homework. Suddenly my phone buzz.
I freeze.

Everytime my phone sounds I feeze, scared it is another threat..

I look at the screen.
Blocked ID: I thought that the first time of hurting your dear boyfriend was enough. But it seems like it was not. Leave him or regret it. It's time to say "hasta luego mi amor" -H
(It means "bye my love" in Spanish)

I feel tears escaping from my eyes. I don't know how much more I can handle. He is gonna get hurt again..

I hear a knock on my door.

"Tini, are you there?" I hear Jorge's voice on the other Sure of the door.
"Uh..Yeah" i answer quickly wiping my tears away.

He comes in looking at me as his smile changes into a frown.

"What's wrong?" He asks worried talking a sit beside me.
"Uhm..nothing. Everything is just..fine" i say looking at him with a fake smile.

"Okay good. But now the truth?" He says knowing i lied.
"It is really Nothing"
"Tini, I have eyes. You've cried" he say as I sigh laying down backwards in my bed facing the cieling as I feel more tears just stream down my face.

"Tini, I'm getting worried" he says and lay down beside me pulling me close to him.
"I..maybe I should leave for a while" i say and hear how shaky my voice is.
"What? Why?" He askes worried.
"Cause You'll get hurt" i answer still with cry in my voice.
"Tini, Why would you hurt me?" He asks not understanding a thing.
"It is not about me hurting you. It is about you getting hurt Because of me"
"I d- wait..what did you get?" He asks now knowing the reason. I sigh and give him my phone.

I turn my back to him and let my tears stream down. I feel him wrap his arms around me and turn me around making me lay on top of him.

"Jorge.." i start as we look at eachother.
"You ended up in coma..i am afraid of what might happen next"
"You don't have to" he says.
"Yes, I do. I could have lost you forever" i say as I feel more tears.

"We all are in this together, Okay? And we'll get through it together"  he whispers as I twist my arms tight around his neck. I feel his arms even tighter around my waist. I wish we could stay like this together.

"I Love you"
"I Love you too, Strawberry" he murmur with his head in the crook of my neck.

"You smell vanilla" he Suddenly says. I let out a small laugh through my tears.
"And you smell Jorge" i respond. He laugh.
"Wow, that says very much" he answers Rolling his eyes.
"I don't know how to explain, what parfume do you use?"
"I don't know what it is called" he respond simply.
"Are you serious?" I ask. He nodd.
I raise my eyebrows.
"What? I don't care what it is called as long as it smells good. I am not a girl who knows the name of every single brand of parfumes" he says as I can't do anything but laugh at his answer.

"I'll be right back, i will just change into more comfy clothes" i say as he nodd and let go of me.

I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. A girl with red and puffy eyes and ruined make up. I put my hair in a messy bun and take the make-up off my face. After that I wash my face with warm water and put my pyjamas on.

 After that I wash my face with warm water and put my pyjamas on

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Jorge's POV
Tini comes back without any make-up in her pyjamas. She's the most besutiful girl on earth.
She sit down in my lap twisting her tiny arms around my neck and I around her waist. She look at me.

"Like what you're seeing huh?" I smirk.
"Hm..maybe" i smile at her answer and press my lips softly against hers. We break the kiss and let our forheads rest against eachother. I softly rub her back, She start to giggle and we fall back on the bed.

"You know you're wierd" i say to her.
"Hm..i know. But That's Why you Love me" She respond resting her head on my chest while looking at me with sparkling eyes. I laugh. She's just adorable. And She's mine.

Soo? First part in a long time. If you like it please vote and comment

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