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A/N: i know this story was on hold but I miss writing on it. I will post so often as I can cause I also write another story Over Again. Please check It out💗 and we are also renovateing in our house so I have not very much time but I'll try. Now: enjoy💗

Tini's POV

Jorge and Diego went into the water while me and Lodo are sitting on our towels looking at them. Or..Lodo is looking at Diego and I can't help It but my eyes are just looking at Jorge. I don't know what to do. I Love him so much, in that special way you know..? But I am pretty sure he don't feel the same, and I am scared to loose what we have. That we can talk to eachother about really everything and that we know eachother inside and out.

"Shall we go to them?" Lodo snap me out from my thoughts.
"Uh..yeah sure" I say standing up and together we Walk into the clear water heading to the boys.

Lodo and Diego swim a bit away from us. I look at Jorge.

"I am seriously wondering what these two are talking about when they always Walk away" Jorge says looking at his sister and Diego.
"It only means they are in Love" i say smiling to them.
"Love is just complicated" Jorge says.
"Yes, but it is also one of the best things that can happen" i say.
"So does Strawberry Love someone?" He asks sneaky.
"Maybe she does...maybe not" i answer as sneaky as Jorge.
"You do! Tell meeeyy" he begs.
"It depends you Love someone?"


Jorge's POV

I lay in bed and can't sleep. I got a message from dad after dinner before and he Said that the princess in Italy wanted to meet me. And I know what it is about. It is for sure to see if I like her. I know I won't and I really don't want to go and meet her. This vacation is for tini and her birthday not that. I have not told anyone yet but I will tomorrow.. I am just so confused about everything right now.. I get up from bed, put on a black hooded sweater and trousers. I Walk down to the kitchen and take a glas of water, then Walk out abd down to the water. I sit down on the cold sand and take a sip of the water. I can feel the night breeze and hear the waves who comes against land.

After a few minutes someone sits down beside me. I look and see Lodo.

"What's up?" She asks.
"I am confused" i answer.
"Tell me" she says simple
"The princess here wants to meet me.."
"I don't want to. I feel that it is wrong and I.." I start.
"..think you like someone else?" Lodo finish.
"How do you know?" I ask confused.
"Come on. It is pretty onvious who it is" she says. I shrug.
"Tell her" lodo says

"What are you two doing here?" I hear Tini's tired voice behind us.

"I'll leave you alone. Good night" lodo says and leave and tini take Lodo's place.

"What's wrong?" She asks. I sigh.
"My father Said that the princess of Italy, valeria wants to meet me. And i know what it is about and I really don't want to" he responds.
"The thought of to do that just feels wrong and I don't know what I should do" he adds.

"Oh.." Is the only thing she says. It is a silence between us.

"You should maybe see how she is.." She says.
"But.." I start but get cut off
"Listen. What if she is someone you would be happy with?"
"And what if not?" I ask
"Then you're sure" she says.

"Fine.." I say.
It is silence between us again.

"And if i don't know then either?" I ask looking up at her, she looks back at me.
"The only advice I Can give you is..To listen to your heart, and not your head" she says looking into my eyes.

Tini's POV

I can't deny that I was pretty sad about it, actully hurt. But I kinda new it too. I mean he would never like me in that way, and he can get like everyone he wants, he is the sweetes person ever, caring, funny, everything.

"Thank you" he looks at me with thankfull eyes.
"No problem" i say and look down but soon feel his warm arms twist around me and a cute kiss on the cheeck.

"I Love you Strawberry" he says still holding me tight. My lips curl up to a smile and I look at him.
"I Love you too my Blueberry" i respond.
"Yeah that..we need to discuss that name" he says and makes me always.

"Come on, we'll go to sleep again" he says standing up.
"Noooo..I don't want to" i whine like a child.
"Why?" He asks. I shrug. It was just so peaceful to sit here with him and talk. It felt so good in some way.
"Yes come on Strawberry" he says turning the back to me. I frown until he says
"Jump up". I jump up and he start to Walk slowly back to the house. I place my head down on his back by his shoulder and close my eyes.

We come to our room again and we lay down on the bed. We lay close to eachother and he twist his arms around me tight so we lay even closer to eachother.
"Good night" I say.
"Night Strawberry" he says.

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