When I look at you

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-------------LAST CHAPTER----------
Tini's POV


Jorge have now been in the hospital for two monthes, i start getting really really worried..the police still have nothing. And yeah, the studio is still closed, the police are still searching for things, fingertprints and these stuff.

I am laying in his bed right now hugging his pillow. I want him to come back! Now! I need him to come back now!

Suddenly my phone buzz. Everytime my phone buzz or something a get a heartattack.

Blocked ID: Martina, sweetie. He has been there for two monthes..is it not time to give up yey? Who knows, maybe he already did..
                                      Kisses H

I look at the message and feel tears streaming down and then run to Lodo who sits on her bed holding her phone in her hand and tears in her eyes.

"You got one too? Didn't you?" I ask with broken voice. She nodds. I go to her and read.

Is it not soon time to say goodbye to your lovely brother? But here is something good! You can be queen! Then don't forget we were friends..
                                     Kisses H

"What for sick person is sitting behind that phone?! Who can sit and write these stuff about people?!" Lodo screams.

"You, me, Diego and Rugge are going to talk now! We need to talk about this cause I can't handle this anymore, I am sick of this!" She adds and send it out in our chatgroup.

*TIMESKIP..AGAIN 1 month later*

Tini's POV

The studio have now been open for three days, nothing have happend with Jorge, or at least I don't think so...


I Walk up to him and like always, I grab his hand. It has been so long time since it happend and he have not opend his eyes for even one secound yet..and all these textes from "H" they have not stoped yet, they make all of us loose hope, we have thought alot about who it could be, first we thought about these three girls that always hang after Jorge, but then we thought "if they Love Jorge like they look like, they would never hurt him, not even to hurt me, so we actully don't know..
My thoughts gets interruped by something that squeezes my hand.

Jorge's hand..

With hope inside of me I look down at him.

Still closed eyes.
Still laying just like he did 3 monthes ago.
Still just laying there...


I really though he had woken up, but no..for one little moment I actully felt happiness for the first time after a long time, but it dissappeared just as fast as it came.

I force myself up from bed and start to make myself ready for a new day at the studio.

Me and Lodo arrive to the studio, you can still feel that something is missing here, and you can see that everyone feels it too.


The first class we have is music and Clara wanted me to show a new song that I have been writing on these three monthes Jorge have been on the hospital in front of the class. This will be the first time someone else than Lodo will hear it.

The class starts and Clara comes.

"Okay, even though much have happend we will try to have lessons just like usal, I know it can be hard to concentrate but try.
As the first thing we do we will hear Martina, she has written a song recently, so now let's hear it" she says as I make my way to the piano and start to sing when I look at you. (SONG IN MEDIA! PLEASE CHECK IT OUT)

"..yeah when my world is falling apart When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I look at you
When the waves are floading the shore And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I look at you.." I sing and look up. Right then. Right there I see someone I really did not think I would see in a very long time.

I stop play and tears start to stream down my face.

It really is Jorge standing there smiling to me..

"Jorge!" I scream while running into his arms. I feel him twisting his arms tight around me and I place my head on his chest right under his kin.

"I can't belive you are here, I missed you so much" I say crying.
"I missed you too" he says soft still holding me tight.

I feel Lodo come too and hug her brother tight.

No one and nothing can ever explain how mush I have missed this guy..


We have now break, Clara Said I could follow Jorge home and make sure he is okay and that he will rest. So right now we are walking home.

"Do you know how long you were in coma?" I ask and his eyes meet mine, I see sadness in them.

"Yes..I can't belive I literally was sleeping for 3 monthes, it feels horrible." He says disapointed.

"It is not your faulth"

"I know, but it kinda feels like or, it is that I have a responsobility and to be away for three whole monthes don't feel good. How much have I missed?" He says.

"If Prince Jorge are asking me, then my answer is that you should talk to your parents, but if Jorge are asking me, then nothing but these texts from "H", and the prom will be moved to later this year since the studio have been closed." I say as we enter his room.

He look at his bed and then at me. He lifts me up in his arms and lay us down in the bed. I cuddle up close to him and his smell fills my nosetrils, no parfume, just his smell.

"I have missed you" he says looking at me.
"You don't know how much I have missed you" i answer playing with his now dry hair.
"Or how many times in a day I came just bc I had to see you" i add.
"I kinda know that, I heard you." He says.

"You did?" I ask. He nodds.
"And it was so hard to not be able to answer you, to say to you to stop blaming yourself for it and to comfort you when you needed it" he says striking my cheeck.

Suddenly I feel that feeling I have missed for so long. His lips pressed against mine.

I feel him twisting his arms even tighter around me what makes my lay on him.

"I Love you" he says when we break the kiss.

"And I Love you"

The End
So this was the last chapter! Secuel will come when I finish the book "a brand new life" comment and vote and thank you all for all comments, votes and everything! I LOVE YOU❤️

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