Future queen?

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Tini's POV

I just lay with closed eyes and enjoy the sun. Suddenly I feel a soft kiss in my neck. I open my eyes and meet Jorge's. I smile and he back.

"I'll go and bring my phone, do you want something?" He asks.
"Eh..No, I am fine" i answer. He nodd with a smile and make his way to the house. I continue to look at him. The soft breeze that plays with his hair looks so cute.

He comes back and sit down beside me while looking at his phone very focused.

"Something wrong?" I ask moving closer to him placing my kin on his shoulder. He wait a secound then hand the phone to me.

"Martina Stoessel
- Prine Jorge's new girlfriend?

The Prince and Princess of Argentina is now on holiday in Italy, the holiday is a gift for their friend (?) Martina Stoessel who's 18 th birthday was for a while ago.

The Prince and Martina Stoessel have been seen holding hands, hugging and kissing (on the cheeck) during the holiday.

The King and Queen don't want to comment about this. Their answer was : if Jorge and Martina is together they will confirm that by their own officially.
Also Martina Stoessel's Parents don't want to comment about it.
- so the question the whole Argentina want an answer on. Is Martina Stoessel our future princess and queen?"

I look at Jorge after reading the article. He has a cute little smile on his face.

"I liked that article" he says.
"Me too"

The clock is now five and we all start to get hungry so we decide to go back to the house and fix something to eat. Late tonight will Mechi and Rugge come and I really miss them.

Today will Jorge and Diego fix dinner. I've just done with showering so now Lodo is showering.

I dry myself and sit down in the bed with my phone. Right then Jorge and Lodo's mum call. I answer.

"Hi Tini" I hear the kind voice of Cecilia on the other side.
"How are you?" She asks
"I'm fine, thanks"
"Good, I called Jorge and Lodo but no one of them answer"
"Oh, Lodo is in the shower and Jorge and Diego are cooking" i answer
"Oh..well. Did you saw the article?"
"Yes, Jorge and I read it before and we're happy that you answered like you did" I answer.
"Happy to hear that. So are you and Jorge fine? He is nice to you?"

I smile of the thought of Jorge.

"Yes, he's kind and really sweet to me" i say as I can literally feel her smile through the phone.

"That's good." She says. "But well..I need to go now, bye and take care" she says.
"I will. Bye" i answer and we hang up.

The clock is 12:30 (night) and Diego and Jorge will pick Rugge and Mechi up at the airport. Me and Lodo watched TV but Lodo fell asleep and to be honest. I am also really tired so I would be able to fall asleep laying in the middle of the street.

I Walk up to our room and lay down in bed. I start to think about that article, but I feel my eyes get more heavy and before I know it I drift into sleep..

Jorge's POV

We come back from the airport. The clock is soon three. Mechi and Rugge directly Walk up to their room just like me and Diego.

I fix myself then I Walk to the bed where I find a sleeping Tini. She lays wrapped in the duvet hugging one of my pillows.

I smile.

Carefully I lay down beside her, she moves so close to me as possible and place her head on my chest, I twist my arms around her and kiss her head.

I start to think about that article for the yeah..for sure it is the 5th time just this evening.

"Is Martina Stoessel our future princess and queen?"

That question keep hunting my mind all the time...if the answer on this question would be a yes..I would be more than happy..

I wake up and see Tini in front of me brushing her hair with the back against me.

I smile again for myself..

She notice me looking at her and I smile forms her lips. She turn around and Walk to me and take a sot on the edge of the bed beside me. She hugs me like she has not seen me for ages. I Love these hugs.

"Morning" she says. I smile in respons and hold her hands in mine.

"I will go and take a fast shower" I say and she nodd and gives me a fast kiss on the cheeck.

Tini's POV

Jorge walks into the bathroom. I keep looking at him. This guy means more than no one ever can tell..

I Walk downstairs and see Mechi and Rugge sitting on the cough. I run to them and jump into their arms.

"I missed you!!" I say when we pull away.
"We missed you too" they say at the same time. We all start to laugh.

We start to talk.

"I heard about you and Jorge! And I have two things to say about it: I KNEW IT!!!! And...you two are meant to be" Mechi says and pull me into one more big hug.

"Thank youu" i laugh.

Mechi and Rugge Walk to their room so I Walk up to our's.

I open the door and see Jorge puting a T-shirt on.

"Hi" I say
"Hey" he answers turning around. I Walk until I stand beside him while he is going with his hand through his hair in the mirror. I laugh when he don't get it as he wants.

"Here let me help you" i say. He sigh frustrated and I start to fix with his hair. After not even one minute I am done.

He looks in the mirror fast and then at me.

"You're amazing in every Single way"

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