The name

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Jorge's POV

I wake up in Tini's bed. The clock is half past seven. I've huged one of her pillows the whole night. I bury my head into it. I miss her, her kisses, hugs, and her always so sweet words.

Tini's POV

This night have been a hell. We've slept on a stonefloor, each houer some alarm went off or water filled the floor, i don't know what to so. We cried in eachothers arms yesterday until we fell asleep.
But the thing that probably hurts the most.
I miss Jorge. So so much.

Jorge's POV

"We've called the girls' parents, and promised that we will do the best we can from our side to get our beloved girls" mum starts with tears in her eyes.
"..and we will go out with that the girls are missing, in case someone could have seen them, but we won't say anything about H yet. The police is informed and have made it the highest priority."


"You've got 24 houers to give me what I want, your fathers crown, otherwise your dear sister, and her friends die. Their houers are counted. Good luck, bi*chess. -H

I read on the screen of my phone. Right then I get two texts, from Rugge and Diego, Both Saying that we need to hurry.

Tini's POV (sorry i change so much)

I wake up, in my own bed, in my room. Was this all a dream? I walk to the window and move the curtains, i get shocked. Just a black wall. I panic and run to my door to open it, it is locked. I sit down in my bed trying to figure out what the hell is happening.
I look around, when I spot an envelope. I grab it and open it.

Welcome dear, to your new home. Don't you worry, your friends are safe in their rooms. You'll stay here, forever. Follow the rules or You'll be punished. Try to escape, and You'll be dead. I watch your every move.

I look up, and see a camera.

"You jerk listen! This is not my home. This is not my room. And I am not yours. SO LET US GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. YOU ARE GOING TO GET SO MUCH BACK FOR THIS. " i scream into the camera and cry at the same time.

I lay down in the bed. I look at the shelf, it is exactly like the one I have in my room, and the things in it too. I get up and make the shelf fall on the ground. Right then the back of it cathess my eyes. It is a name written. Hanna Blanco

Sorry for such a shortie, but I want it to end in am exciting way😅 vote and comment

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