Tears and fears

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*Next day*

Tini's POV

I dry myself and put my clothes on, i do my make-up and curl my hair. When I am Done Lodo comes running inside to my room.

"Lodooooo!!" I mimic.
"We're going to the policestation!! They got her last night!!" She says while jumping up and down.
"Really??!" I say as I start to jump with her.
Suddenly we hear someone by the door and there stands Jorge.

"Yeah come now you wierd people" he says smiling.
I run out after him and jump up on his back. I catch me and hold me tight.

"Happy?" He laughs.
"Yep, can you belive it? It is finaly over" i say resting my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, we won't have to feel watched"
"I am tired of being afraid"

Jorge's POV

We arrive to the station and meet up with Mechi and Rugge. An officer leads us to a room with a glasswall, and on the other side of it She stands. Mine and Lodo's cousin.

I look at her, She has two police men behind her, and She looks at us like She wants to kill us.

I swear, If She was on this side of that glasswall, I would beat the crap out of her. She wanted to hurt us all so bad.

I feel Tini's warm hand grab mine. I look at her and She at me.

"She won't hurt anyone anymore" i whisper, a tear falls down from Tini's eye and I pull her into a hug.

"Arrest her, and giver her the punishment She desreves. She has hurted my children for so long, She kidnapped my girls and she has stalked them for years." Dad says serious not letting his eyes off Hanna.

We get out of the station, outside there are policemen and reporters. None of us are in the mood to answer questions, so we just walk through them.

We all go home to us and we end up in my room.

We all look at eachother.

"It is over" Rugge says and we all do a grouphug.

"Soo..it is raining, it is saturday. How about we put on the most comfy clothes we have, we bake something and fix snacks and then we watch a movie later tonight?" Lodo suggests and everyone answer yes.

"Me and Mechi will go to her's, then we buy some snacks and comes later?" Rugge says.

"Yeah, see ya" Diego says before they walk out.
Third person's POV

They start to make chocolate chip coockies, or the girls, the boys start to play with the ingredients.

Tini is mixing the ingredients in a bowl when Jorge comes walking up behind her.

"Tini?" He asks making her turn around and he blows flour in her face.
"Jorge!" She screams looking mad at him as her face now is completely covered with flour, but he just smiles.

"You are very beautiful, you know that?" He asks still smiling.
"Yeah Sure..i look sick!"
"To me you're always beautiful" he says placing his hands on her waist giving her a kiss on her nose.

"You know, just Because you are being cute i will give back for this" Tini says looking up in his eyes.
"Yep, I know, but you won't today Because I am being cute" he responds smirking. Tini laugh at him and turn around to continue what She was doing, Jorge keeps his hands on her waist and place his head on her shoulder watching what She is doing while Diego are driving Lodo crazy.

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