Last chapter: princess

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Tini's POV

I step out from the hot shower and the cold air hits me and makes me shiver. We arrived yesterday really late, so we woke up around 12. Today It's sunday and all our families are going to catch up at the beach today after a very long time. Not Mechi, Rugge or their families though since they are in Italy at Rugges cousins and grandparents. But it is going to be so fun. In the evening we are going to grill and just enjoy eachothers company.
I start to walk down to the kitchen after getting dressed but stop by Jorge's room, I knock before I walk in.
The sleepyhead are still laying in bed. I walk up to him and snuggle up to his chest. He starts to wake up and twists his arms around me.

"Morning baby girl" he murmurs into my hair.
"Morning sleepyhead" i reply making circles in the back of his neck with my finger.
"You should get dressed" i say.
"..fine.." he groans.
"..but first I want a kiss" he adds looking up at me with cute and messy hair. I smile at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Once we arrive to the beach we place our towels on the soft sand and lay down.

"Tini? Have you sunsscreen on?" I hear my mom asking. I open my eyes and spot her infront of me. She can tell without me answering that i have not.

"Come on darling" She says giving me a sign to get up. I sigh but do as She says, i turn my back to her so I can face Lodo, Jorge and Diego while She puts sunscreen on.

"I hate this, It's so sticky.." i whine.
"I think You've changed your mind when you're all red like a crab" She replies what makes the others chuckle.

When She is done I lay back down on my towel between Lodo, Diego and Jorge Cause Diego and Lodo are like..on the same towel.
I feel Jorge twist one of his arms around me to pull me closer to him so i lay against his chest. I can feel his wonderful cologne that I never can get enough of. His hand plays in my hair, he knows I Love that. I smile for myself and kiss his shoulder.

Me and Lodo decide to go into the water since Jorge and Diego went 15 minutes ago. We walk into the water, It's not cold, It's perfect.
We hold eachother hands, That's a thing we used to do when we were little girls.

We reach Diego and Jorge. Me and Lodo jump up on their backs and they walk around with us like that.
I lean my head agains the back of his neck.

"Are you fine there?" He asks.
"I Love this" i reply kissing his neck.
I jump down from his back and he turns around to look at me. He holds me tight against his body while twisting his arms around me.
"I Love you babygirl" he murmurs. I giggle at the nickname.
"I Love you too" I say before i feel his soft lips pressed against mine.
He's such a cutie, and he's my cutie...

I walk up from the water with Lodo, and Diego and Jorge right behind us.

"Are you hungry kids?" Cecilia asks and we all nodd like children who gets the question 'do you want candy?' We all get a hotdog and sit down by the table our parents have set up.

"How was the water?" Cecilia ask as She comes and stand behind Jorge massaging his back.

"Pretty wet" Jorge jokes and we laugh.
"But it was good" he says once we stop. After some seconds he let out a small scream.

"Gosh honey, you're tense, you should get yourself massage" She says looking down at her -oh-so-hurted-son before leaving to the others.

"Tini, give me massage please" he says looking at me.
I laugh slightly at him but decide to do it.
I start to massage his back but he grabs one If my hands at hold it in his own.
"If I am going to do this, I kinda need my hand"
"Nope, It's okay with one" he says locking his fingers with mine.

The sun slowly starts to go down, and soon a besutiful sunset will be seen. Our parents have lit the grill and Jorge is playing the guitar while me, Lodo and Diego sing 'pass me by' (please watch the video in media)

As we finish the food is done and all of us start to eat the food.
We talk and laugh alot, it was a long time ago we did something like this all of us together, it is really nice to do it again.

We finish our food, and all of us are so full that we can roll wherever we are going.

"He Tini, do you want to take a little walk?" I hear Jorge behind me, I turn around and see him in a black T-shirt, messy hair and sparkling eyes.
"Sure, just let me get a sweater" i smile. The sun is almost down and it is a bit windy.
"Take mine, It won't be for long" he replies handing me his grey hoodie. I smile again and pull it over my bikini.

As we start to walk he grabs my cold hand in his warm, i hug his arm and lean my head against him. The walk is silence, We're mostly looking out over the water, but when We're not it just happens that We're looking at eachother, with small, shy smiles, just like If we would be on our first date..

After a while he Suddenly stops, i look at him confused but stop as well.

"I Love you so much.." he says taking my other hand so he is now holding them Both.
"I Love you too" i reply smiling. I watch him get something from his pocket, then his gaze hits me and I look back into his hazel eyes. He showes me a bracelet, a silver one with a heart that has 'Princess' written in it.

Jorge's POV

"It has been in our family for a long time, my grandfather gave it to my grandmother, dad gave it to mum, and now I want to give it to you" I say looking at it while her eyes are on me. She stays silent.
"It is like a symbole, it might sound like a proposal though.. but it is something that You'll give away to the one you want to spend your future with, and I want to do that with you. I know We're young to talk about forever, but with you it really feels that way. You make me feel safe in some way, and I want you by my side... You know..being told that one day, You'll be king and you have the whole nation resting on your shoulders, It's scary. And i will only make it good with you.
Would you be my princess?" (To be clear: not actully get the title princess, just cute thing)
She looks at me, smiling nervous.
"Are you Sure you want me to have that bracelet?" She asks with shaky voice.
"Completely" i answer and a smile forms itself on her lips.
"Then..just If you will be my prince.." she says pointing index finger to my chest. I nodd chuckling.

I put the bracelet around her wrist and She looks up into my eyes. I place one of my hands on her cheek and strikes it soft with my thumb while I place the other one on her lower back.
I feel her hands make their way to my middle and we meet in a kiss full of love.

                               THE END
A big Thank you to all who have read, voted and written all the nice comments.
I Hope You've enjoyed the book, just as much as I've enjoyed writing it. If you liked it and like my writing, please check out my other book that i have started. Thank you once again❤️ xoxo

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