I love you

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Jorge's POV

We're now walking into the water. I hold Tini's warm hand in mine. We Walk a bit further, the water is clear.

"I like this..just spending time with you" Tini says looking at me.

I smile.

"Yes,I like it too" I say as we stop and look at eachother.

I look into her brown, sparkling eyes.

"I Love you" I say as her smile comes up.
"And I Love you too" she says smiling.

We come closer to eachother and kiss.

This was the first time we actully Said it to eachother.

We pull away and smile to eachother, I take her into my arms and hug her tight.

"You'll always be my strawberry" I say as she giggle.
"I will"
"That's good beacause..otherweise I would not stand a day" I say still with her head leaning against my chest.

We start to swim a bit, after like 10 minutes we stop and just float in the water.

When I relise that Tini's eyes are closed I slowly stand up. I Walk 'till I stand beside her. When she is near I lift her up and she screams.

I laugh.

"Gosh, I thought I would die" she says taking a deep breath.
"You know I would never let you" I say.
She smiles and twist her arms around my neck while I am holding her in my arms.

After a little while I let her down and we Walk back to our towels.

"You want something to drink?" I ask when we reach our towels.

"Yes please" she answers.

"Ok, I'll go and get something. I"ll be right back" I say. She nodd.

Tini's POV

I sit down on the towel and take my phone up. Right then mum calls me. I answer

"Hi darling" she says. I smile.
"Hi mum" i answer.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"Me and Jorge are at the beach" I respond.
"Ah..fun! I just wanted to make sure everything is well with all if you" she says.
"Yes, everything is fine" I know I should probably tell her about Jorge. Should I tell her now? Yes
"...before we say bye I have something to tell you" i say a bit nervous.
"Sure. What is it?"

I look up and see Jorge comming with two cups of smoothie.

"Me and Jorge..we're together" I say and Jorge look down at me with a cute little smile.

"Aww..that's so sweet..I've actully seen some pictures on insta so I started to think but that's so cute" she says. I smile.

We talk about it then we say bye.

• • •

It is soon time for dinner so we decided to go to take a taxi back to the house.

Jorge's POV

We arrive to the house. Tini went into the shower in our room so I take the one in Lodo and Diegos.

After the shower I dry myself and put on clothes, then I Walk downstairs and wait for Tini since we decided to eat out today.

After some minutes she comes down, she stands in front of me. All I can do is to look at her.

"Shall we go?" She asks and snap me out from my thoughts.
"..uh..yeah" I answer.

She laugh a bit. She grab ny hands and drag me to the door. I have the most wonderful girl in the world.

We arrive to the resturant and order.

Tini's POV

We sit down by a table. The resturant is really nice.

I look at Jorge who sits in front of me looking at me with shining eyes.

"What is it?" I ask with a little smile.

"I don't know what I've done to deserve you" he answers looking at me with the same shining eyes.

"And I don't know what I have done to deserve you" I respond.

Our food comes and we start to eat. We're talking about us, our parents and this Journey.

When we're done we decide to go to a park nearby. After only five minutes we arrive and see happy kids playing with their parents. We Walk to a bench by a fontain and sit down on it.

Jorge pulls his arm around me abd I lay my head down on his chest.

"Did you have a great day today?" He asks.
"The best ever" I answer smiling looking up at him. He smiles back and he comes closer 'till our lips meet.

We pull away.

"I Love you" I say

"I Love you too. So much"

Jorge's POV

We come back home. We see that Lodo and Diego are home again. They are probably sleeping cause it is silence.

"Shall we go to bed? I am tired" i ask.
"Yeah, me too" she answers yawning.

We fix oursefs then we go to bed.

Tini cuddle up close to me and I twist my arms around her middle placing my head soft on her shoulder.

"Good night" I say giving her a soft kiss on her shoulder.

"Good night"

A/N: first I want to say sorry that I am so bad at answering comments, but to you who write so sweet things: i read your comments and they hit my heart. I Love you all and to everyone who comments: i promise to be better to answer your comments💗 vote please 💗

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