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Tini's POV

We finally arrive to the beach house after a long flight and a bus trip (pic in media) . It is lunchtime here and all if us are hungry, and since we don't have bought any food yet we decided to eat out.

We stand in the start of the big stair that leads upstairs.

"So who will sleep in one room with who?" Jorge asks. I see that both Lodo and Diego moves a little closer to eacother.
"Since you and Jorge seems to sleep good together..." Lodo starts and she and Diego runs upstairs before we even can think.

"You don't mind? Do you?" Jorge asks looking at me.
"Not at all" I smile, he smiles back and we Walk upstairs together.

We enter the room and it is so beautiful! It is big, has a balcony with view to the beach and a big bed.

We all fix outselfs fast and then we're ready to go out for lunch.

"So is everyone ready?" Jorge asks.
"Yepp!" We all say at the same time and we Walk out. We take the bus into the town.

"Shall we maybe take that resturant?" Lodo asks pointing at a resturant that looks nice. We all agree with it so we Walk into it.

Our food comes and we all start to eat.

"What shall we do later? Just hang out on the beach?" Lodo asks.
"Yeah, that sounds great" Jorgf answer.
"Yeah" me and Diego says at the same time.

Me and Lodo changes to our bikinis in my and Jorge's room.

"You should take the pink/red one" she says.
"But...I don't like that one" I say.
"Why? You look beautiful in it! What is the problem?" She asks.
"The problem is that I look horrible in it" i answer.
"No! Take it! It is an order." She says.
"..okay..BUT.. Then I will decide for you" i say.
"Deal!" She says happy.

"You will take the darkblue one!" I say.
"What?! Th-" she starts but I cut her off.
"Aa,a,aa. I would decide for you! So put it on now." I say and she sighs but do as  I say.

When we're ready we Walk downstairs to Diego and Jorge who Wait for us on the cough. Jorge has dark-and light blue swimming trunks and a white T-shirt. Diego has red swimming trunks and also a white T-shirt.

"So, are you ready now?" Jorge asks and we nodd to answer.
"Good! Then we go out" he says opening the door.

We go out from the house and down from the little hill that the house is on down to the beach. It is sunny, the water is clear and it is no one more here than us.

Jorge's POV

We place our towels on the sand, Tini and Lodo in the middle, Diego beside Lodo and me beside Tini. We lay down.

I just close my eyes while hearing the waves and feeling the warmth.

Sorry for short and boring but please vote❤️

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