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Jorge's POV

Like the last thing we do, we decide to try the new, biggest and fastest roller Coster. When we sit in it Lodo and Diego sit in front of us and me beside Tini behind them. I see that Tini is nervous.

"Are you nervous" I ask her, looking at her. She looks back at me with worry in her eyes.
"Yeah" she answers looking down.
"You don't have too. Lodo and Diego sit in front of us and I sit right beside you"

Tini's POV

He always know how to make me calm. I give him a little smile and he grab my warm hand in his. We start to move really fast and before I know it we're in a loop. It is actully really, really fun. Lodo and Diego raise their arms up in the sky while holding hands and so do me and Jorge. It comes a camera and it takes a pic.

When we come from the roller Coster we see the pic, we all decide to buy one. After that we go into the car and make our way home.
Jorge's POV

When we come do the castle the clock is three and we have decided to be at the beach by half past four. We will get Tini there by saying that we will take a Walk on the beach.

I lay in my bed on my phone looking through instagram and see that my parents posted a happy birthday wish for Tini with a nice text too on our official side of the royal family, Lodo have posted with the text "happy birthday Tini, I Love you so much and wish you the best birthday ever. You're my bestfriend and like a sister for me and that will be forever <3 '
I smile to the text and find Tini's comment 'thank you, I Love you so much siiiisss😘'
I see that Rugge also have posted a pic of her when we all were at the beach and looked at the sunset. I decide too post one. I choose the one I took before when she hug her teddybear. I write 'Happy birthday Strawberry🍓😄😜! I Love you so much and you are like my sister. I have seen you in tears both from happines and sadnes and remember that whatever it is I will be there for you.👸💗 #MyStrawberryIs18Now 👑'
I click on 'post' and turn my phone off. I stay in my bed and just close my eyes. After a couple of minutes I hear the door open, but I can't open my eyes before i feel two tiny arms wrapped around my waist. I open my eyes and see Tini.

"You're so sweet" she murmur against my chest.
"It's just the truth Strawberry" I answer and she laugh. I pull her up beside me and we just lay like that in some minutes in a comfortable silence. After a while the door opens and we see Lodo.

"Awww..cute.." She says with dreamy eyes looking at us.
"Well...should we take a little Walk on the beach?" She asks, i look at the clock. It is time.

"Uhm..yeah, are you on Tini?" I ask. Please say yes..
"Yeah, sure. We go" she answers. Yes!
Tini's POV

We come to the beach and we start to Walk a bit.
"Lodo, d-" I look beside me where she was just some seconds ago.
"Lodo? Jorge?" I call but get no respons. If they are joking with me and think it's fun then they have so so wrong.
Suddenly everything becomes black. Something cover my eyes and I get so scared that I start to scream. Then a hand covers my mouth.
"What is this?!"
"Calm down, you don't have too be scared" I hear Jorge's calm voice.
"Jorge?" I as confused.
"and Lodo" I hear Lodo.
"What is this?" I ask.
"Something" Jorge simply says and I feel lodo grab my left hand and Jorge my right hand, they start to Walk and I just follow them. After some minutes we stop and they pull me down on something to sit.

"May I look now..?" I ask but i get no answer. So after a couple of seconds I take away the thing that covered my eyes. It has start to get a bit dark. But where are they now? I stand up to look after them. I look around me and see nice white 'things' (Don't know how to call it) to sit one, nice lights and these stuff. (Pic in media)

"SUPRISE!!!!!" I jump cause I get scared and look behind me, it is Jorge and Lodo, their parents, Diego, Rugge, Mechi and people from the studio.

"What is this?" I ask still suprised.
"This is your supriseparty" Lodo says, I smile and run and give her a big hug. After that I hug Jorge, their patents and the others.

*30 minutes later*

Me, Lodo and Mechi dance together and have so fun with much laugh when Jorge, Diego and Rugge comes.

"Hey girls" Rugge says while he twist one arm around Mechi.
"Hi" we answer, all three of us at the same time, then we look at eachother like 'what?' And the boys laugh.

"Would you like to take a little walk?" Diego asks and I look at Jorge.
"You promise that it is just a Walk then?" I ask.
"I can't really promise but i promise that we won't do like before" Jorge laugh.
"Grn...sure then" i answer and we start to walk.

When we have walked a while we comes to a big rock. Lodo, Diego, Jorge, Rugge and Mechi stop there.
"Is something wrong?" I ask confused.
"No, actully we have one more suprise for you" Jorge says.
"Come on, all of you have gave me so much today and done so much for me, I don't know how to thank you" i say. They look at eachother then Jorge hand me an envelope. I take it but is really confused. I look at them.

"Open it" Lodo says. I do as she says and take up what's in it. I almost cry.

A/N: what do you think it is? Will she be happy? The answer comes in next chapter! Please vote and comment💗 over 1050 words!

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