Next stop: Italy

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Tini's POV

We come into the plain. Wow! It looks really nice! (Pic in media)
Lodo directly goes back in the plain where I guess it is a bed, Diego follows her and Jorge lay down on the cough.

I go and get some water, when I am back I see that Jorge is sleeping, or almost, he is soon sleeping. I look at my phone, 02:58 (night) I Walk to him and give him a hug, he hug me back.

"Good night" i say softly. I want to go but he still holds me in his arms.
"Stay.." He murmur tired. I lay down beside him and he directly twists his arms around me. It feels warm and cozy.

Jorge's POV

I wake up with Tini in my arms, she's still sleeping. I take up my phone and look at the clock, 10:02. We will land in about 8 houers. Tini start to move in my arms and soon she Wakes up.

"Good morning" i say.
"Good morning" she answers smiling.
"Did you sleep well?" I ask.
"Very, and you?" She asks.
"Yes, shall we fix something to eat? I am hungry" i ask.
"Me too, let's go" she answers.

We fix us sandwiches and take Starbucks Ice Coffee that some staff places in the fridge.
We go and sit on the two armchairs in front of the by the Windows with our breakfast.

"When do we arrive?" Tini asks.
"About 8-7 houers" I answer, she nodd. Then Lodo and Diego comes with morning look hair, and pyjamas.

"You eat breakfast without us..?" Lodo says sad.
"Sorry sis, but we were hungry and could not wait for you two sleepy heads" I answer answer. Lodo sticks her tongue out to me what makes Tini laugh.


We finally arrive to the airport, here it is early day. we get our bags and go out to a bus that will take us to the beach house.

I sit beside Tini who sits by the window.
"How long time does it take before we're by the house?" She asks looking up at me with sparkling eyes.
"About 1 houer" I answer. She nodd and lay hear head against my chest.

"Yeah strawberry?"
"You are the best pillow in the world" she says with closed eyes.
"Thanks, I feel special now" I answer laughing.
"You should. It will stand everywhere: JORGE BLANCO -THE PRINCE OF ARGENTINA AND THE BEST PILLOW IN THE WORLD" she respond.
"I really wonder what people would think about me" I say thinking.
"Yeah. I wonder that too" she says opening her eyes and look at me.
"Probably that I am crazy"
"You are crazy" she says smirking.
"And that comes from you?!" She just nodd with her smirk.
"You are driving me crazy" I say. She laughs.
"Crazy in a good way or a bad?"
"Let's say that it is in a way that no one else can".

Sorry for short chapter, but I hope you like it and pls vote💗

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