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Tini's POV

"I'll see you later" Jorge says as he kiss my cheeck and letting my hand go.
"Yeah" i smile.
"I Love you princess" he whisper in my ear before walking into a room with Prince
"You can look around If you want too. Just feel free to walk around" Carl-Philip says turning around giving me a smile
"Thank you" I say and return a smile.

I start to walk around. It is really beautiful and big.
After a while I come to the exit. It's not the one we came in through. I open it and see a beautiful garden. I close the door and walk further. It's bigger than I thought.
I spot someone on a bench. I walk closer and see It's a women with black or darkbrown hair.

"Hi, may I help you?" She asks kind.
"Uh..just walking around I guess" i respond.
" must be Martina?" She asks standing up as She holds her hand out for me to take.
"Yes" i answer as we shake hands.
"I am Sofia, Carl-Philip's wife" She introduce herself. In media.

"Nice to meet you" i smile.
"You too. Do you drink coffee? We could get some from the kitchen" She asks.
"Sure" i answer and we start to walk to the kirchen while talking.

"So how's Jorge? It was years ago I met him" Sofia asks as we sit down at the bench again.
"He's good, We've been through really tuff stuff recently but, It's just to try to move on i guess." I reply getting the memories back.
"Yeah, I heard some of it. How horrible" She says caring.

We continue to talk, and we have some really great laughs. She is really nice.

"There you are" we hear a voice that belongs to Carl-Philip.
We look up and see Both him and Jorge standing there.

"Had a great time?" Jorge asks looking at me.
"Very" i smile.
"She's such a great company! It was really nice meeting you, and to see you again" She says now looking at Jorge.
"You too"

We say our goodbyes and walk out of the castle area.

"How did the meeting go?" I ask.
"Just great" he respond and grab my hand in his.
I smile.

We arrive to a nice park and sit down by a fontain. We've been walking around for about two houers. It is really warm, the weather is amazing.

I feel him stare at me.

"Why are you staring?" I chuckle.
"Can't I look at the most beautiful girl in the world and wonder what I've done to desreve to call her mine?" He asks showing his dimples.
" can, but you could also giver her one of these hugs that you're so good giving" i respond. He laughs.
"Only If She gives me a kiss first" he answers. I smile to him.
"You flirt"
"I'm pretty good at it" he smirks. I give him a kiss.
"Now I want my hug"

Jorge's POV

We've eaten dinner, now We're laying in bed at the hotel. We're going home this night, at 2 we'll head to the airport so we figured there is No idea to go to sleep.

"I love you" She murmurs against my bare chest.
"Love you too babygirl" i answer as I feel her twisting her arms around me.
"Hm..Not really" She answers looking up at me. I smile at her. I am lucky to have her by my side, I would not want anyone else but her.

She crawls higher up to look at my face and start to play with my hair. It always makes me shiver. I slip my hands under her sweater and strike her smooth skin on her back.
She giggles and leave a fast peck on my lips.

"Hey, I could barely kiss you back" i pout. She laughs slightly and lean in.
Her lips hits mine and the kiss becomes even deeper.

She's laying in my arms, my hand in her hair, and her's resting on my stomach, We've just been laying here cuddling, and waiting for the time to pass by.

"I'll go and take a fast shower before we leave" She says as She stands up and the cold air hits me.
I nodd and stand up as well, I walk over to her and I feel her hands on my middle.

"You know we'll leave in 40, so hurry" i tell her as I kiss her forhead.
"I will" She assure me with a smile before She heads into the bathroom.

Tini's POV

Hand in hand we enter the airplane. We find our seats and sit down.
I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
I lean my head against Jorge's shoulder and drift into sleep.

Sorry for bad and kinda short chappie, as you know this book is soon comming to an end, but I've started with a new story called HALF A HEART so please check it out💋

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