The wall is the key

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Tini's POV

I wake up on the stonefloor. It was all just a dream, i look around seeing Mechi and Lodo Staring at me confused.

"Who's Hanna Blanco?" I ask. Lodo start to think as She look at me.
"Never heard the name before. Why?" She asks and I start to explain about my dream..or at least I think it was a dream, it felt too real and so strange, it did not feel like "just a dream" when I woke up. But I don't know. It just felt special in some way.

"...and Hanna Blanco was written on it"

"Well, I have not heard the name before, but dad probably has. But before we can ask him...WE NEED TO GET OUT FROM THIS HELL" She explodes.

"But how?" Mechi asks.
"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. If there is a way in, there is a way out too" i respond.

"Hey you think that the boys have stoped looking for us? I mean H have not showed anymore pics." Lodo says rubbing her arm and looking down.

I feel anger and sadness boil inside of me.

"Look, they don't know where we are, they don't even know If We're alive. Or H might have gotten them to think that We're dead so they will stop searching..." i Said feeling a tear come down my cheeck.

"Think..our families might think that We're dead..they don't know anything about how we are anymore" Mechi says with cry in her voice.

Lodo start to throw punches on the hard Wall.

"That piece of shit is going to pay for what She's doing to our families, She's going to pay for it all." She screams as She slams the Wall as hard as She can.

"Lodo, you're going to hurt yourself!" Mechi says. She does not listen. Then another sound gets my attention.

"WAIT"i scream. She stops looking at me with tears eyes.

"Slam that Wall again" i say looking at the Wall as She do it. It sounds like there is just a thin Wall with Nothing behind it.

We all give eachother a look. Seconds later We're all throwing punches on the Wall like there is no tomorrow. It start to break and a larm goes off, but we couldn't care less. We just continue until it breaks so much that we can come through it.

We run, into the forest, we don't know where, but we just keep running. Just to get as far as we can from here.

5 houers later

We've been running for houers.

"Where are we?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
"I just want to come home.."

Jorge's POV

It has gone 20 houers since the text, me and the boys have been walking in the forest with some guards and police men for houers and screaming their names in Hope to get an answer.

"MERCEDES!!!"" I hear Diego scream behind me.

"MARTINA!! LODOVICA" i scream. No answer.

Tini's POV

We lay down, under a tree. We all have cried for houers. It starts to rain. Just great...

"HEEELP!!!" We all scream at the same time. I don't know, If I heard a voice, or If i just heard something I wanted to hear.

Suddenly I hear it again and the three of us sit up straight and look at eachother. And again, we hear voices.

"HELP" Mechi scream. And we start to run in the direction we heard the voice from.

Jorge's POV

All of us look at eachother when we hear voices and start to scream their names. We hear them comming closer and closer, then, 3 figures show up from the trees. I look at the three of them not beliving my eyes. It is really them. They have the dresses since the prom, dirty and riped. I look at Tini. Weak and broken, tired and on the edge of tears. But still so beautiful.

I run to her and She falls down in my arms, crying. I hold her tiny body tight in my arms.

"I'll call for an helicopter" a police says. I nodd.

The helicopter lands and out comes three nurses with blankets.

The nurse hand me one and go talk to the police.
I wrap it around Tini as I pull her into my arms Once more.

"You've No idea how much I've missed you babygirl" I say and look at her.
"I missed you so much too" She says with a little smile. I place my hands on her checks and kiss her sweet lips.

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