Still the same

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Tini's POV

Suddenly I sit on a chair with something that cover my eyes. I can feel that we're outside.

"Where am I?" I hear Lodo's voice beside me.
"Lodo?" I hear Mechi.
"I just know that we're out" i say, but before they can respond someone is taking the thing if my eyes off. I look up and see a happy Jorge.

I look beside me and see Lodo with Diego behind her. I look to the other side abd see Mechi with Rugge behind her.

"Okay, what is this?" Lodo asks confused.
"I hope this will be a nice dinner. Since ot is our last evening here we wanted to do something nice for you" Jorge answers as I feel him placing hos hands on my shoulders. I look up at him and meet his wonderful smile.

Jorge's POV

We start to eat the food. I look at who once in a while gives me these looks with her beautiful smile.

No one of us talk, we just enjoy eachother's company.

Tini's POV

We finish our meals and the boys stands up and Walk away without one word.

Me and the girls look at eachother confused.

After not even 3 minutes the boys comes back and each one of them with a small Box in their hands.

Jorge comes to me and grab my hand, he start to lead me away from the others. I look back and see that the same thing is happening to the other girls.

We sit down on a bench by the fontain.

Jorge's POV

"I am really bad at these things, speaches. And this one won't ve long, cause no matter how much I say or how long I will talk is enough. There are no words that ever can tell how much you means to me or how much I Love you." I start and look at a smiling girl in front of me.

Tini's POV

"With you I can always be myself with you and I don't have to pretend to be someone else. Everytime I am with you everything feels right and when I have one million reasons to be sad you're the one who always can draw a smile on my face" He ends as his hands has made their way to my middle. Right now I can do nothing but smile.

Soon I feel his lips soft pressed against mine.

After a while we pull away.

"I Love you" I say in a whisper.

"I Love you too"

We just look at eachother without saying a word until he decide to brake it.

"I have something for you" he says showing me that little box, he hands it to me.

I look down at the Box in my hands and then up at him. He gives me a little nodd.

Carefully I open the little box and see a beautiful and cute silver barcelet with a heart (Pic in media, but instead for the "F" there is a "M" Martina)

"This is beautiful" i say looking up at him.
"I'm glad you like it" he says with a smile as he grabs my right wrist and then the barcelet and carefully put it on. I look at it and then up at him.

"Thank you" i say and give him a fast kiss.

We start to head back to the table where we see that the others also just came.

Me and the girls look at eachother and at the same time notice that we all have the same barcelets, but I guess that there letters are L and M.

"You girls always wanted to have the same clothes when you were kids, we thought it could be just like old times" Rugge says as me and the girls laugh a bit.

"It's perfect" we say at the same time. (The girls)

Jorge's POV

The clock is soon one in the middle of the night so we all decide to go to sleep. Tomorrow nigh we leave so we need to clean tomorrow after breakfast.

Tini comes out from the bathroom in one of my T-shirts that is way too big for her. She lay down and cuddle up close to me placing her head on my chest and look at what I'm doing on my phone.

Texts with Rugge.

Rugge🎃: what r u doing?🙃

Me: well..right now? Chatting with u🙃

Rugge🎃: oh man, you've got a great life with the luck of Chatting with such a famous person like me!😎

Me: luck or Seven years of hell?😝

Rugge🎃: seriously?🤔

Me: yup😚

Rugge🎃: come on, I am waiting for Mechi to get ready to sleep. I mean come on?! You will just sleep, how long can it take?!! ...woman..

Me: be carefull with what you're writing. I have Strawberry right beside me😏😂

Rugge🎃: well..tell her to teach Mechi how long 5 minutes is..

Me: I'll let her know😅

Rugge🎃: thanks dude👌🏻 see ya tomorrow🤓

Me: yeah? You'll leave me now?! Did Mechi's five minutes end now?😤

Rugge🎃: yeah, they did.. Sorry bro..😞 but hug your Strawberry or pillow and everything will feel better😛

I twist my other arm around Tini.

Me: ...yeah you had right...🍓👫❤️

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