One by one

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*Next morning, Saturday*

Jorge's POV

I hear Lodo scream my name through the corridor. My door opens and She comes in in her pyjamas.

"What now..? Why do you wake me up, it is saturday? Let me sleep for god's sake" i respond as I look at her annoyed.

"Yeah, saturday Means prom dumbhead, and I can't decide what dress i should wear" i roll my eyes.

"You have planty of dresses, just choose one! And Why do you ask me of everyone?" I ask.

"Cause you won't let me wake Tini up since I did that last time when i was searching for a dress before meeting Diego's parents" She answers simply.

"Yeah that reminds me. Let her sleep. Don't you go there. Understand? She had a tough night yesterday."

"What happend?" She asks worried sittning down beside me.
"Threats" i answer as She looks down.

"You got one too yesterday, right?" She slowly nodds.
"What did it say?
"Nothing. It was a picture." She answer with soft voice. I look at her confused.
"A..a picture from the funeral of mum's grandmother 5 years was taken from the altar, where no one sat." I freeze.
"Does that mean..that We've been watched for years?" I ask and hear the nervous sound in my voice. I can't say more before my door shot up and in comes Tini running with tears in her eyes.

"LODO?! OMG YOU'RE OKAY" She breaks out in relief as She comes running throwing herself in Lodo's arm while tears stream down her face. Lodo hug her back tight.

"Shh..Tini what happend? I am here Okay?" Lodo says striking her back trying to Calm her down.
I notice her phone laying beside her hand, on the screen there is a picture where Lodo seems..murdered.

"Lodo" i say almost in a whisper what makes her look at the phone. We look at eachother, but No one say a word.

When we get Tini calm we start to talk.

"We have to do something about this" Lodo say.

Tini's POV

We call Diego, Mechi and Rugge over and we tell them about everything this morning.

"We seriously have to stop this. I can't live like this, every time my phone goes off I get a heart attack" mechi says as we all agree with her.

"First of all, what does this person want from us?" Rugge asks. A silence falls over us.

"I've been thinking." Rugge starts and all the looks turn to him.
"It all started with Jorge getting to hospital, H hurted him first. Lodo, during that time you showed me a text you got that was about you becoming the queen Cause H wanted Jorge dead. In that text H also wrote something like don't forget that we are friends when you become queen. H wants to be close to the next one taking the throne." He continues.
"But If H as you say want to be close to the next one taking the throne, Why would She/he/it, No a better word, bi*tch go for you guys?" Lodo asks.

"You and Jorge are together with Tini and Diego. And just as everybody else more or less knows, Tini is going to be future princess and queen, Diego is going to be Prince" Mechi says.

"But I still don't get why, it is not like If none of us would be the next one after dad, that we just choose a random person to become queen or king" Lodo says.

"..I think that what Rugge Means is that H is trying to destroy the Royalfamily.." Jorge says serious.

"And wants to take us all down one by one.." i add and Suddenly feeling a wierd feeling, i feel kinda empty in some way.

"..To make us all feel worthless, and specially make Jorge break down and give the throne up.." Diego says.

I can't help but feel like We're being watched.

*all their phones buzz at the sime time*

We look at eachother.

As we take our phones up we read outloud.

"Now you know what I want. I thought you would've figured that out by now. You don't know what a am able to do. This is just the beginning. Good luck bitches xx H"

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