Cross the ocean

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Jorge's POV

"I don't really understand..."she says a bit unsure.

I look down and take a deep breath.

"You. You is the person that I like. I've been so confused about what is happening to me and scared that you don't feel the same, so that's why I have not Said anything about it" I say looking up from the ground and meet a cute smile on her face.


"Yeah, since that kiss and you Said that I should listen to my heart I have felt something I never felt before" i continue and she look at me still with that wonderful smile.

I look at her and she at me with sparkling eyes and before I know it she throw herself into my arms.

"and I feel the same about you too" she says burrying her head into my chest, a smile draw my lips and I twist my arms around her too.

We release our hug and we look at eachother. After, I don't know how long, she looks down shy, but then look up at me again. I place my hand on her cheeck and she place her hands on my chest. Soon I feel her lips soft pressed against mine.

We pull away and look at eachother.

"This might not be the most romantic moment or place, but.." I start as I grab her hand in mine

"..but, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I end.

Tini's POV

Did he really asked me that?

Jorge's POV

Without giving my an answer she attack me in a big hug holding me tight.

"So should I take that as a yes?" I ask with her still In my arms.


After a while of just hugging eachother we decide to head back since the clock is three and we're tired.

I lay down in between tini and twist my arms around her, and I can tell you that tonight, I'll fall asleep with a smile on my lips.

Tini's POV

I still can't belive that this just happend. It is just too good to be true...cause..he will meet Valeria tomorrow..and who knows how he will feel after that? When he's home again he might just have forgot all about me and then my heart will be broken.. So the best is just to don't have too much hope....


I wake up expecting that Jorge already has gone but no. I feel two warm arms twisted around me. I look at the clock.
09:49. He should be there any minute now

I sit up quickly.

"Jorge" I say.
"Jorge" I repeat over and over again.

"What's wrong..?" He murmur against his pillow.
"Valeria" I answer.
"No, I won't go" he responds.


"But-" i start.
"No" he says as he take one of his arms around me and pull me back down into his arms burrying his head into the crook of my neck.

"But what do you mean with that you won't go?" I ask still not getting anything.
"That I rather stay with you" he answers simply with still closed eyes.

"That's sweet but-" i start but again get cuted off.
"I called mum and dad yesterday and explained everything so now I won't meet up with that Valeria" he says calm opening his eyes.

"Oh..." I say now understanding.
"Yepp, so calm down now and don't be so stressed. I want you to have fun cause this is a birthday gift for you" he says sitting up in bed with his cute and really messy hair, I smile.

"What is it?" He asks after a little while.
"Your hair is so messy and cute" I answer giggleing.
"Well, if you found it cute, I'll let it stay like this" he says standing up changing T-shirt into a blue one, I try to not stare, but it's hard.

"Shall we go down to get some breakfast?" He asks.
"Yeah" i say as I stand up and fast fix myself.

When we comes down it lays a note on the desk: me and Diego will have a day together today so you too can also spend some time. Hope that's okay <3 Lodo

"Well it seems like we're alone today" Jorge says opening the fridge.
"Yupp" i answer.

We decide to eat breakfast outside by the pool. The weather is amazing.

"So what would you like to do today?" I asks.
"Be with you all day" he answers smiling cute, I smile back. He is too cute.

"What do you want to do with me then?" I ask.
"We can take the bus to a nice beach like 30 minutes from here" he answers.
"Yeah, that sounds great" I respond.

Jorge's POV

I am ready, It is just Tini who is changing in our room. This day will be so much better than a day with Valeria, instead I get a day with Strawberry. (You remember, right?🍓)

After like 2 minutes she comes out in a white summerdress. She looks beautiful as always.

"Shall we go?" I ask holding my hand out for her. She take it with a smile.


We have now been in the bus for like 15 minutes. I look at Tini who look out through the window. She start to look at me too with a smile. I smile back and grab her hand in mind and lock our hands.

After a warm bustrip we finally arrive to the beach. It is a beautiful beach and the weather is perfect.

We lay a blanket down on the sand and lay down on it.

"You know what?"tini says suddenly.
"No, what?"
"That this time of my life, is the best I've ever had" she answers turning her face to me with a smile.
"Mine too" I respond twisting my arms around her middle holding her close to me.

"Are your parents okay with this?" She asks.
"With what?"
"You" She says.
"Yeah, they Said they want me happy, and now I am with the best girl in the world" Tini's smile comes up and she gives me a kiss.

All I can say is that we have not been together for long at all. But she's Messing with my head and all I can do is to think about is her. I am so in love with this girl and would do much more than to cross the ocean just for her..

A/N: the pic in media is Tini's bikini. And I hope you liked this chapter. Vote and comment please💗

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