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Third Person's POV

the boys are all at Jorge's. And you might Already have figured out, they blame themselves so hard.

"I promised myself to protect her, in all possible moments, and I failed." Diego says all the way dissapointed in himself.

"How are we going to get them back? It has gone 2 houers, what are we going to say to our parents, and their parents? Should we tell the police everything?" Rugge says.

"I don't know..and we can't keep it a seceret, maybe a while, but it would not last long. I think it is time to tell our parents" Jorge says looking down with his red and puffy eyes.

"So we are going ti wake your parents up in the middle of the night to tell them that we made our girlfriends get kidnapped?" Diego asks.

They are now sitting in the Livingroom, when the lights turn on Jorge's parents look at the boys chocked.

"Have you cried?" Cecilia asks looking worried at her broken son as the boys again start to tear up.

"They are gone...they are gone and It's all our faulth" Jorge says now crying.

"Jorge, honey. Take it easy, okay?. Who are gone?" His mother asks and take a sit beside him and twist her arms around him.

"The girls.." Rugge says sobbing.
"You have to explain now, Cause we don't understand anything" Jorge's father says.

"It all started right before my accident......and now we don't know where they are, and it is all our faulth." Jorge says and start to cry again just as the two other boys. Cecilia and Erik start to tear up as Well.

"We are going to find the girls, Okay? And tomorrow morning we all are going to figure out what to do, but now you all should go to bed. You need to rest, in the meanwhile me and your mother are going to prepare our guards" Erik says and the boys nodd slowly and start to walk upstairs.

"And listen. This is not your faulth" Cecilia adds.

Jorge's POV

I get out of the shower, dry myself and put my pyjamas on. I look at my bed.
I walk past Lodo's room and see Diego Already sleeping there. I walk until I reach Tini's room, as I walk in I can smell her cologne. I walk around in her room and look at her things. I spot her Diary on the table beside her bed. She told me 3 years ago that If I ever missed her, I could read it. It was that year we became very very close, and it was that day I knew for Sure that She did trust in me, just like I did in her. I open it and some random page show up as i sit down on.

Today was my birthday, it was the best one ever, Thanks to my amazing friends<3 we did so much fun together and I got a really great gift, a vacation to Italy, but the best thing, is that it is going to be together with them.

I smile. I go to the very last page of the book. I start to frown.

You remember that day 3 years ago? The day we became so close, so close so it really felt like you were the brother I never got? Well, I Hope you do Cause I will never forget it. It was the day I told you that you could read my diary If something ever happend to me and you for some reson would miss me. And Cause you are the person who can't read a book without Reading the last page first, I thought it was Good to write it on the last page here too. I don't know for what reason you miss me right now, but whatever it is, I miss you too, and think about you every second that you're not with me since you've been the only thing spinning around in my head Messing with it lately. I don't write this in belive that I am dead when you read this, but I want you to know that you're a person everyone wants in their lives and that the ones who don't probably are jealous of me😝 you're there whenever I need you and I am for you too even though I am not beside you.
Love, your 🍓

I smile and look at the date. It was the day before we got together.

I grab a pen and write
I miss you babygirl - J

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