A little trip down the stairs..

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Tini's POV

I take my sweater and Walk out through the front door and feel the night breeze soft hit my face.

I Walk until I come to the water. The small waves roll in one after one and cool my feet. I close my eyes and start to think. Think about everything.

Soon we're going home again..in 2 days. I am a bit nervous..how will everyone react when it comes out that we're together? Or do everyone already know?

And Jorge? Will he still feel the same for me? Or was is just "for now"?? Ugh..I have millions of questions but not even one answer.

I get interruped by two strong arms hugging me from behind and a soft kiss in my neck. Even though all I am worried for, my lips forms itself into a smile.

"What are you doing up?" I hear Jorge's voice behind me.
"Can't sleep" i answer sighing.
"And why that?"
"I don't know..I fell asleep before and yeah.."
"But you'll get tired later you know" he says with his warm arms still around me.

"I know" i sigh again.
He walks so he stands in front of me.
"Is it something that bother you?"
"I just think too much about everything" i answer.

"About what?"
"What if all reactions when we come home and it comes out that we're together is bad and then you won't feel anything for me and that this just is a 'holiday romance' or your parents -" i say really fast but Jorge calm me down by taking me into his arms and I rest my head on his chest.

"First, you need to take it easy." He starts.
"Don't worry about the reactions, you know how worried Lodo and Diego was, and it went good. And it will for us too. And if some people say bad stuff, don't care about it, the most important is that we Love eachother right?" He says and I nodd.

"And I will never stop Loving you. You're the most amazing girl on earth. And nothing can ever change my feeling for you" he says as a little smile forms my lips.

"And my parents. They already Love and treat you like their very own daughter. There's nothing to be worried about." He says with his forhead against mine.

"I Love you" he says soft.

"I Love you too"

He gives me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Come, we'll go inside again" he says taking my hand as I nodd.

Together we head inside and into our room.

Jorge's POV

Tini lay down in her sweater.

"Won't it be hot for you? I ask.
"No, I am freezing.." She says and wrap the duvet even tighter around her.

I take mine off and lay down close to her and pull her into my arms. She's freezing so much so she is shaking. I wrap my arms even tighter around her and soon she stops.

"I Love you" i whisper before kissing her cheeck.


The clock is now one and we're in the city. The weather today is better than yesterday but for us still not the right weather for a beach day.

We're eating lunch in a resturant.

"So soon we're going home again.." Lodo says with a sad tone.
"Yes..so what will you guys do?" Diego asks.

"Well..I will have loads of interviews with and without Strawberry" I say looking at my Strawberry who smiles.

"I don't know, work probably" Mechi answers as Rugge nodds in agreement.

Tini's POV

The boys went out, they Said they would go and look at something, I don't know what but the whole thing does not sound like them.

Me and the girls are sitting up in my and Jorge's room on the bed and just talk about..yeah everything.

"Soo..how was it by Rugge's parents?" Lodo asks looking at Mechi.
"It was amazing. Really fun to meet them again and also some of his cousins." Mechi answers happy.

We continue to talk about random stuff.

"And how is it with Jorge?" Lodo smirk looking at me.
"..good.." I answer trying to hide that little smile on my face.

"Yeah. Okay, but shall we start with the whole truth thing?" Lodo says smiling big at me. I roll my eyes.

Typical lodo.

"Okay..really good then. He is so sweet to me and always make sure I am fine" I say as the look with dreamy eyes at me. And belive it or not. It feels creepy.

The door suddenly opens really fast and in comes three guys.

Yup..our three guys..

I don't have the time to think more before someone picks me up and start to run away down the stairs.

A/N: sorry that it took such a long time to update but I have been away the whole week so I hope you understand💗 and please vote and comment💗 LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH😘

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