Off to STHLM

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*a couple of days later*

Third person's POV

Tonight Jorge and Tini are going to Sweden Cause Jorge needs to be there for some meetings the whole weekend, Lodo and Diego are staying at Diego's parents' Cabin so they are out of town the whole weekend too, Cecilia and Erik are in German to meet up with the germany royalfamily and Mechi and Rugge are visiting Mechi's aunt in Chile.

Tini's POV

I wake up with the feeling that my head is going to explode. I groan of frustration while turning around to look at the clock. 04:12. I force myself up from bed and downstairs to look for some painkillers.
I open a cabinet and spot them, I try to reach them again and again.

I hear a soft chuckle behind me. I turn around and see Jorge only in his sweatpants.

He comes behind me and grab them without any trouble. He looks down on the package in his hand.

"Are you feeling bad?" Jorge asks with a frown.
"Just a massive headache" i sigh swallowing it with water.

He pull me into his arms.

"Why are you up then?" I ask looking up at him.
"I heard something from downstairs and thought it might be something dangerous" he jokes and I roll my eyes at him which makes him smirk.

"Come, we'll go back to sleep" he says lifting me over his shoulder as he starts to walk with me upstairs. He walk into his room and place me softly on his bed. He then lays down beside me and place me on top of him. His hands rest on the back of my tighs and mine on his strong chest.


I wake up and rub my eyes. I look at Jorge who still is sleeping. After a couple of minutes of just staring at him I decide to take a shower.


Jorge's POV

We've now been on the airplane for about 4 houers. Tini is sleeping peacfull with her head resting against my shoulder. She probably did not sleep Well Because of the headache that has not really stoped yet.

I look down at her cute sleeping face.
I can't belive that someone would want to hurt her.
We have not really talked about that kidnapping thing. I want to know what happend, I want to help her get over it. But I don't think She wants to talk about it, I honestly don't dare to bring it up, I don't want to make her sad.
Even though She won't show it, I know that it bothers her, She still thinks about it, every single day. I can see that. But She don't want me to know that.

Some houers later we finaly arrive to the hotel in Stockholm. It is really nice. It is night here and after such a long flight we are so tired we could fall asleep anywhere.

Tini's POV

I fix myself for the night and walk out from the bathroom seeing Jorge standing by the big window. He looks out of the window.
I walk up behind him.

"What are you thinking of?" I ask. He looks at me and then turns to the window again. I look out too. The view is amazing, it is dark, but the lights make it besutiful, and the water infront of the swedish royal castle mirror the lights that makes the building light up.
I hear him sigh.

"Are you ever going to tell me about what happend?" He asks. I know exactly what he means without that he has to say more. Now It's my turn to sigh.
"Look, I know it is hard, but That's Why I want to know. I want to be able to help you when you need it, or when you're sad, I want to support you and be there for you " he adds placing his hands on my waist.

"If you really want to then..fine. I'll tell you" i say looking up into hus serious but still so beautiful eyes.
"I woke up in the room that looked exactly like mine, I was on the floor, my clothes were bloody, or at least I thought it was blood. It was blood on the floor, she had wanted it to look like I had hurt someone. And I belived it. I just didn't know who, I was scared it was Lodo and Mechi" i say feeling the tears will soon be seen.
"And..I once was alone in a room, all made of stone. I did not know how I had gotten there, but I figured that everytime She wanted to move us, She would give us drugs, and She probably gave them the few Times we got food. Anyways..I-I did not know where Lodo or Mechi were. I was freezing, She had probably throwen cold water on me Cause my hair and clothes was wet. I had a thanktop on and some shorts, I did not know how I had gotten them or why..but as soon as a blackdressed figure came with a stun gun in It's hands It all made sence..Why I was wet and had clothes that showed much skin. Now I got this huge scar on my back. The nurse did not say anything about it Cause I begged her to not." I was now crying hard and my voice sounding cracked.

Jorge looks at me with sorry eyes while he wipes the tears away with his thumb. He place his forhead against mine trying to calm me down.
When the tears finaly don't stream down my face anymore he start to talk.

"You know that i always will support you. Why did you not tell me?"
"I know that you're always there, and That's Why. You've got work to do, and by the years it won't get less. I don't want to bother you. I don't want to be that kind of girlfriend who puts all her problems on her boyfriend so he can make them go away" i respond with my hands on his chest.
"Tini, you have never been, or will ever be that kind of girlfriend. I want to be there for you, and as long as you're okay I'd put you before all work." He says pulling me into a big hug.

"I have one last question have you hidden that scar for so long?" He asks with me still in his arms.
"On the mornings I choose clothes to hide it, and when we sleep, It's dark and Well..i usually have a T-shirt on" i chuckle. He laughs soft into my neck.
"I Love you" he says as we release the hug.
"I Love you too"

Fiiinalllyyy summerbreak!! And If I follow as I have planned this book is soon comming to an end. Yep, you read right, it is. Buut I am thinking of ideas for a new book so we'll see. But I Hope you like this chappie please vote and comment💗 •ILY•

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