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Tini's POV

We've just eaten dinner, now it is time to get ready for prom. I walk into the shower as I feel the warm water stream down my body.

Jorge's POV

I sit with the guys in the livingroom. We will just shower and make us ready as fast as the girls are Done showering.

"So what are we gonna do about that Jerk aka H?" Diego asks.
"Well..i know one thing for sure, and That's that I won't let anyone's life get ruined just because that idiot wants me off the throne" i Said just looking at the Wall right infront of me.

"Jorge you know it ain't your faulth" Rugge says.
"H had Done it even If it wasn't you" he adds.
I take a deep breath.

"It's just..right before Tini and I got together, She was very unsure about herself, She did not think She would fit in, and it is alot comming along with getting together with someone in the possision Both I and Lodo are in, but all that is happening now does not belong to one of these things that can be a bit different. And I can barely handle this myself, I can't expect her to do it, but I don't want her to regret the decision She made by getting involved with me in this way."

"Man, Nothing that sick person does is going to change the fact that She loves you" Diego says.

Tini's POV
I walk into Lodo's room where me, her and Mechi are fixing ourselves.
I start with my make-up

We're now done with hair, make-up and these stuff, just the dresses left.

Jorge's POV
Me and the guys are done and now waiting for the girls. Just as I am about to say something i look up and see three beautiful girls comming down the stairs, and i just can't get my eyes off the one I can call mine.
(Dresses in media)

"You look stunning strawberry" i say still taken by what I see. She smiles.
"You look pretty Good yourself" She says smirking and kiss my cheeck.

Our driver drop us off at school and we make our way in, i hold Tini's hand as Lodo and Diego comes right behind and Mechi and Rugge not long after Them.

We sit down by a table, but No one can say something before our phones buzz.

Blocked ID: Waltz goes like 1,2,3..1,2,3...1,2,3... and 1,2,3 the one you Love can be gone. Have a nice prom.  kisses- H

*1 houer later*

Me and Tini are outside for some fresh air. To be honest i am not enjoying this prom at all. I just can't get that text off my mind. 1,2,3 and the one you Love can be gone.

"Jorge, are you Okay?" Tini asks making me come out of my thoughts.
"No, that text. I have the feeling that something is going to happen." I say as She pulls her small arms around me.

"I am worried too, Okay? But If we are going to be afraid 24/7 until we find out who that jerk is, we'll drive ourselves crazy"

"I know, but i can' t even think of If it would be you who are the one H mean with that text and you get hurt Cause I took something for granted." I respond and feel her hands go from my back to my hair and start to play with it.

"It would never be your faulth"

We get into a big hug as we slowly start to move to the slow music inside.

Tini's POV

I run as fast as I can through the woods with Lodo and Mechi on each side by me followed by someone in a black hoodie, some black mask for the face and black gloves.

"Girls, this is it. We are going to die" Mechi screams in fear.
"I don't want to addmit it, but i think so too" i hear Lodo on the other side. I grab their hands and continue to run.

"Whatever happens, it happens together"

...Suddenly everything goes black and I feel some horrible pain going through my whole body..


I open my eyes, everything is black. It is dark. I am laying on a cold floor made of stone. Suddenly the lights turn on and I see Lodo and Mechi laying beside me. Both of them open their eyes and look around themselves.

"Are we dead?" Mechi asks.
"No, If we were I would not feel like i've been inside a washingmachine for like 100 years." I answer feeling the whole room spinning.

"Where the hell are we?!" Lodo screams and I remember everything..

Throw back

"We'll be back in 5" Diego says.
"Why can't you just say what it is?" Lodo whine like a child.
"Because, my always so I-want-to-know-everything-sister, It's a suprise" Jorge says with a smirk looking at Lodo. We all laugh as they leave.
3 minutes later it all started.
3 minutes after that they boys left.
The 3 minutes.

We got a text, it was from "Rugge" Saying we should come out and get the suprise outside instead, so we we went out. We got one more text.

Blocked ID: 1,2,3 SUPRISE! And guess what. I got you. You better run, you 3 bitchess. See you soon xx H.

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