My everything

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Tini's POV

I wake up with two strong arms wrapped around my middle. I turn around and see a sleeping Jorge with messy hair. I smile for myself but that smile quickly dissappear when I start to think about what I was afraid of from the very beginning. That he just will get tired of me, he is Prince and I am just me. I try to get the thought away and I get out of bed and fix myself.

I Walk out from the bathroom to see if Jorge still is sleeping and he is. I kiss his cheeck a Walk quiet out of the room and down to the kitchen where I see Lodo already prepearing breakfast.

She notice me and run fast to me and attack me in a big hug.


We laugh and take a sit by the table.

" was yesterday?" I ask. Her eyes start to sparkle.

"It was amazing.." She start but then my thoughts wander back to Jorge.

What if he get tired of me? Then everything will be ruined. We would never be able to talk like we always do. We can always talk about everything with eachother..
And the probably hardest to get over. My heart would be broken into a million pieces and no one would be able to fix that.

"You don't listen, do you?" Lodo interrupts me in my thoughts.
"Ofc I do" I lie in hope she won't ask anything about what I was thinking of.

"Good. So you know the part I Said about that he bought me a boat?" She says.


"Uh..yeah. Ofc" i say hestating.

"You don't listen! What are you thinking of?"

I sigh.

"I am is just.." I start.


"I am worried...You know Jorge and I..we're together and..." I say as Lodo just nodd but then quickly stops and her eyes gets big as golfballs.

"YOU'RE TOGETHER?!?! JORGE!!!" She screams running out through the kitchen and not long after I hear something hitting the floor.

"Lodo!" I scream running after her. When I come to the stairs I see Jorge laying on the ground under Lodo who has her arms twisted around his middle and Diego standing beside them with big eyes and open mouth.

"Why do you always hurt me when you're happy?" He says sounding hurted.
"I don't know. I am just happy" she says not letting him go. After a little while she stands up.

"Why are you that happy by the way?" He asks still on the ground. I feel Lodo's look at me. Then Jorge too.

"You told her, did you?" He asks. I give him a little smile.

I help him up and He place a hand on his shoulder.

Jorge's POV

"The day you get asked to marry, and you will tell us. Remind me to be so far away from you as possible. Otherweise you is the one who take me to the hospital!" I say pointing at her. She give me a little smile and I keep my hand on my hurting shoulder.

I look at Tini. She pull away my hand from my shoulder and kiss it. I smile to her and give her a fast kiss on her cheeck.

We finish breakfast and decide to go out to the beach. Tonight will Mechi and Rugge come so we will fix some dinner for them later.

We lay our blankets down on the sand. Tini and I next to eachother and a little bit away from us Diego and Lodo. Today there are some more people here. There are some houses near ours so it seems like they are here too.

I feel Tini lay down beside me. I feel her hand next to mine, I grab it and lock our fingers together.

I turn my head to Tini and meet her sparkling eyes who is looking into mine.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

She shake her head a bit unsure though.

"..or..everything is perfect, like too perfect to be true so I am scared that something bad will happen." She says.

"Like what?"

"I am so scared to loose you.." She says low.
"Scared to loose me?" I ask with a frown.
"Yes, you are the best thing that ever happend to me. You care for me and you always make sure I am fine before you care for yourself, and that's so sweet. I am so scared that I loose you"

"You know what I Said to you yesterday, that I would not stand a day without you. You're my everything and I Love you. That will never change." I say and pull her into a hug so tight that she lays on top of me.

"I Love you too"

Tini's POV

Jorge and went into the water so Lodo sits now by me.

"So you're happy with Jorge?"

"Yes, very" i smile. Lodo smiles back at me placing her head on my shoulder and I place mine on top of her's just like we always do.

I look at Jorge who is out in the water talking to Diego. He looks so happy, I love when he has that smile on his face. I don't know what I would do without that one..

Lodo had to go to the toilet so I decide to go and join the guys. I Walk fast until I come close to them. I start to Walk slowly so they won't hear me.

When I reach them I jump up on Jorge's back. He becomes chocked and I laugh at his reaction.

"The best one ever" he says still holding me up. I laugh again when he start to Walk around in the water with Diego and still holding me up.

Now Lodo have arrive to us and Jorge have still not let me down.

"Have you even thought of letting me down?" I ask.
"Ofc not. It was your idea to come first so now I won't let you go" he says simply. I sigh to the little child he sometimes can be.

We come up from the water, Jorge Walk us to our towels while Lodo and Diego Walk to theirs'.
He let me down and I sigh.

"Finaly" i say and he laugh and lay down beside me.

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