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Jorge's POV

It is night and we are all laying in bed. Everyone is sleeping and tini is sleeping in my arms, but like always I can't. It start to feel like me and tini might have something. Something special. But I am not sure. But it feels like everything just would be destroyed if I meet Valeria tomorrow.

Okay..if I think about it a while I Understand how much Tini really have done to me the last weeks.
I can't stop smiling with her around me, I feel kinda 'nervous' talking to her, she keeps me up all night with her spinning around and messing up with my head. She told me to listen to my heart. I probably should.

After another one houer of thinking of tini and don't get myself to sleep, I decide to go out again, to the place I went some day. I put on comfy pants and my sweater that I zip up all the way up. I get out of the room trying to not wake anyone up.

I sit down in the sand and look out over the water with the moonlight shining on it.
After like 10 minutes someone is sitting beside me. I look and see Lodo. She sigh.

"Jorge, what's wrong with you?" She sigh.
"Tini is messing with my head" I answer also sighing.
"And then it is about that Valeria" I add.

"Jorge. If you feel so bad for it we'll call dad and mum and tell them you don't want to meet her cause you like Tini. Here, I'll have my phone right here" she say handing me the phone.

"Wait now. Like Tini?"
"Come on. I know you better than you know yourself. And your head might say no, but your eyes when it comes to her says more that thousand words." She says.
I feel my cheecks heat up.

"And that blush too" she adds laughing, I start to laugh with her.

"Okay. But tell me exactly how you feel about Tini! I am your sister and you can tell me everything" she says.

"No but! You tell me! You got me to do this with Diego! Now it's your turn!" She says.

"Okay.." I take a deep breath and start..

"She has the most beautiful smile in the world, with that smile she can make my day. And..I feel that I just can be me, with her I don't have to be Prince Jorge, I just have to be Jorge. And we always have fun together and laugh and that feels so good. Everything with her is just amazing and without her, I would not know what to do." I finish and Lodo looks at me with dreamy eyes.

"Aww..Jorge that really came from your heart" Lodo says looking at me with dreamy eyes.

"Jorge. If you have something special, I know you have according to what you just Said, that might be destroyed if you meet Valeria" lodo says. I nodd slowly.

"I know, that's why I don't want to meet her" i say.
"Great! Then I call mum and dad!" She says fast and happy.

"Wait" I say. Lodo looks at me like 'what now..?'

"What if they don't like it?"

"Don't like that you like Tini? Come on! They Love Tini like their own daughter" she says sure.

We call them and mum answer.

"Hi sweeties!" She says.
"But wait..It's the middle of the night in Italy. Is something wrong?" She asks a bit worried.

"Jorge wants to tell you and daddy something" Lodo says and soon we hear his voice too.

"Sure, what is it Jorge?" Dad asks.
"Uhm..I can't meet Valeria tomorrow." I say.
"Why? I know you don't want to, but why don't you can?" He asks.
"I think..I like someone else.." I say starting to get nervous.

"Excuse me. THINK?! No. You know you like someone else and I know too" Lodo adds and mum and dad laugh.

"Okay, but that's cute!" Mum says excited.
"Who do you like then?" She then asks.
"Uhm..Tini..?" I say in a questioning tone.
"Tini? And you're sure on that?" Dad asks.

"You should see him blush now" Lodo says and I slap her playfull on her shoulder as I hear mum and dad laugh.

"Well. Tini is a good girl and we're happy that you know what you want" my dad starts.
"And don't worry about Valeria. I'll fix that so you won't have to meet her" he ends and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you" i say.
"No problem, now sleep good angels" he says. We end the phone call and I look at Lodo who has a big smile on her lips.

"Thank you" i say and pull her in a hug. We release the hug and I see someone standing behind Lodo. Tini.

She comes walking to us wrapped in a big blanket with her puppy eyes.

"Why did you leave me again? I am freezing!" She whins.

"Well, you may have him back now, I'll go back to sleep now" lodo says as she stands up and Walk away. Tini take a sit beside me and wrap the blanket around me too.

"Please tell me, if you don't feel good or if it is something else, I want to help you" she says soft and place her head on my chest.

"It is not that I feel bad, I've just been very confused" I respond.

"About what?"

"Feelings, Love" i answer.

"Ah..so you..Like someone?" She says a bit..i don't know..sad?

"Yeah, but I don't know if she feels the same"

Tini's POV

Okay. I am going to be honest. These news made my heart stop beat.

"You know you can tell me anything and I could have helped you" i say.

He takes a deep breath.

"yeah, i know. It is just really hard to say to the person you like how you really feel" he says looking me in the eyes.

I don't really understand now..

Jorge's POV

Okay, I see that she is now pretty confused as well. I think it is the best if I tell her.

A/N: will Jorge have the courage to tell her? In that case, how will Tini react?
If you want to find out vote!

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