Happy birthday

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Jorge's POV

I wake up because of someone that is shaking my shoulder, I open my eyes and see Lodo.

"What is it?" I murmur tired against my pillow.
"You need to get up" she answer.
"Why? We don't have school" i ask.
"No, but it is Tini's 18th birthday today so get up!" She screams in a whisper. I fast sit up streight in my bed.
"Ugh..why did i not say that at first?" She says while she roll her eyes and walk out.

I fix myself with clothes, I brush my teeth, then I walk down to the kitchen where mum and dad already is and place the piece of cake on a plate with a candle with the number 18 and a crown on it. Soon after me comes Lodo. We place the presents on the tray too and a glas with Tini's favourite juice. The thing Lodo, me and the other have fixed will she get later.

We walk upstairs while singing 'Happy birthday to you'. When we're right outside the door we can see her with the morningsun who shines through the window while she start to wake up, we step in and she smiles to us and sits up in her bed.
The song ends and mum and dad give her a big hug.

"Happy birthday Tinitaaa" Lodo says and give her a hug.
"Thank you Loodo" she laugh.
"Happy birthday Strawberry" I say and give her a big hug while she is laughing again.
"Thanks Blueberry" she answer.
"Okay. That nickname you and me need too discuss" i say so serious as i can, she just laugh.

We give her her presents then we go and fix ourselfs for the day. We have let Tini choose what we will do today, so me, Lodo and Diego will take her take her to a big themepark with roller coasters and those stuff. While we do that Mum, dad, Cande and Rugge will fix the supriseparty that will be on the beach tonight.

Tini's POV

Lodo is in my room with the dress she will have, she help me choose what I will wear.

"Hmm..you should take the lightblue one" she says and hold it up. It is new and I have never weared it.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Pfft..yeah! I know Jorge will think you're beautiful in whatever you take" she says
"Don't start with it again..he don't likes me in that way, i have said that to you" I say.
"But i know my brother and I have seen how he looks at you!" She answers. I know i won't have a chance to make her get what i try too say so I just take the dress, she put on hers flowered too. (Pic in media)

Me and Lodo come downstairs where Diego and Jorge are waiting for us on the cough. Lodo runs to Diego and jump in his lap, he kisses her cheeck and I smile because of their cuteness. I look at Jorge who is staring at me, I blush a bit so I look at Lodo in hope that he don't notice it. Lodo look at me too and wink.

We all go into the car. The driver start to drive. It is a minibus so Lodo and Diego sits in the back, me and Jorge in the middle and then is it two guards and some in another car. They will stand in different places around the themepark and look so nothing happens to us or someone hurt us or something like that. I am not used to it yet, but it feels safe.

We arrive, we get our bands around our wrists and then we enter the themepark.
"What shall we start with? Tini you decide" Lodo says looking at me.
"Eh..what about that one?" I say pointing at a roller coaster called 'the black train'. All agree and we walk to it.


Lodo and Diego walk around a bit on their own and so do me and Jorge.
We have been in a lot of roller coasters so we decide to wait a bit now. Right now we play on some wheels with chances too win chocolate, teddybears and so.

"I'll go to the toilet, I'll be right back" Jorge says.
"Sure, I wait here" I answer and he give me a smile then walk away.
After a little while I see three well known faces, these three persons who have maked me sad, angry and made me cry when I lived in Spain when I was maybe 7 years old, and even if it is a long time ago I will never pass or see them without knowing who they are or everything they did to me these years. It looks like they know who I am too. Great...*sarcasic*

"And who do we have here?" The gangleader Merdith says with the most ugly smirk I've ever seen, the same with the two stupid guys behind her, but if she thinks it's cool then..okay.

"You know, it has been some years now, but you're still ugly and weak, just like in school"
"Then you haven't seen yourself in a mirror for a very long time" i answer, I see the she gets a bit upset.
"You know I can still beat you up so hard that you won't be able to stand up anymore whenever i want too. Just like the old days." she treat with an evil look but suddenly she and the two others get big eyes. I look behind me and see a guard.
"You three need to leave her alone now or I need to call for my collegs" he says cold.

"Who is that? Your daddy? " One of the boys says with babyvoice on the last sentence, I see Merdith smirk come up again.
"That, is one of my guards and if you three don't leave Tini alone or even try to hurt her I will call for all that I have with me here" I hear Jorge's serious voice and soon feel his hand on my shoulder. Their eyes gets big again of the sight of who stands in front of them, they walk fast away.

I turn around.
"Thank you so much" I say looking at the guard. They give me a nodd like 'no problem, that's my job' then he walk away. I look at Jorge who has a worried face.

"What happend? Who are they? Did they do something to you?" He asks in a hurry.
"They are three person from spain that used to bully me in school when i was little and lived there. I promise too tell you everything, but please just not now, i want too be happy today. Please?" I beg him, he give me a little, cute smile while he nodd.

We play some more games. Jorge try one last. He wins a big, cute teddybear who is holding a heart in its hands. He comes to me and hold the teddybears arms open to give me a big and warm hug.

"This is for you" he says and hold the bear in front of me.
"Really?" I say and he nodd for answer. I smile and he give it to me.
"Thank you" i say and give him a kiss on his cheeck.

A/N: BOOM! 1247 words! Hope you like it and please vote and comment❤️

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