My family is my enemy

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Jorge's POV

It's early morning and we just got home from the hospital after a night to check If the girls are okay, their hands are hurted since they smashed a Wall, they have some scares and they have gotten way to little with food. But they could go home and rest, drink alot water and eat in an Good amount.

Diego followed us to take care of Lodo and Rugge took Mechi home. We decided to all take a shower and then go to bed.
Tini's POV

I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror. I look worse that worse, but I don't care. I just want to be here right now. Home. I dry myself and put my pyjamas on.

I walk into Jorge's room seeing him still awake.
He takes my hand and make me lay down beside him. He wrap the big duvet around us and hug me.

"I am so glad you're home again" he whispers giving me a sweet kiss in the crook of my neck as he place his head there.

"me too. I missed you so much" i say hugging him harder feeling him kiss my shoulder over and over again, it makes me giggle and so does he, he makes me roll over so I lay on top of him.
It makes me laugh even more.

"You missed me, didn't you?" I smirk at his action.
"If you only knew" he says while striking my tighs soft.
I start to play with his soft chocolate hair. I smile to him. Cutie. My hand leave his hair and make their way down to his chest and I twist them around his neck. I place my head there too and close my eyes. I wish we could stay like this forever.

A/N:If you are REALLY REALLY scared you should just skip this part, It's different what you think from person to person

"You should never have left, you know I am the one winning the game" the black shadow spoke comming closer.
"Let him go! Take me instead!" I scream looking at Jorge who has a knife pressed against his throat.
I try to escape from the ropes that I am stuck by.
"Yeah, just try honey" the blackdressed person say and takes the mask off. It is a blonde girl, tall and pretty thin.
"I've waited for this moment for so long, and now it will happen. I am going to do what my parents, and grandparents have tried to do for over 100 years, but always have failed. I am going to get your family away from the throne. And when you Jorge is going to the sky to visit your parents and beloved sister, say hi from Hanna Blanco. Your cousin." She says and press the knife into his knife. I see him fall to the ground with blood streaming from him.

A/N:If you skiped that you can read again.

"Tini?!" I hear Jorge's voice and I open my eyes. I relise I still lay on top of him. I look around confused and scared and breath fast.

"Tini what is it? You screamed" Jorge asks worried holding me tight.
"I-I had a dream, Hanna had-" i start but get cut off.
"Wait Hanna?" Jorge asks confused.
I explain to him about my dreams.
"..and She forced me to watch you ge-" i get cutted off again.
"Shh.." Jorge says and make us sit up while he turn the light on.

"It feels like I've heard that name before. But i don't know anything about that cousin thing" Jorge says after a little while of silence.

"I'll ask my parents tomorrow. But try to sleep, you need rest. Okay?" He says striking my back and I nodd and lay down close to him. I place my head on his shoulder and I can smell his cologne. I missed this.

A few houers later, 03:12 afternoon

Jorge's POV

Me and Tini just woke up some minutes ago. She went to shower and fix herself, so I decided to take a shower too. Mum Said Lunch will be on the table in 30 minutes.

I have thought of that name ever since Tini woke up. I just can't get it off my head. Hanna Blanco.
We all sit by the table eating.

"Dad? Who is Hanna Blanco?" I ask and everything gets silent. I look at dad who gives mom a look.
I look at Diego who looks at me.
I feel Tini and Lodo looking at eachother worried as Well.

"Why do you Suddenly ask that?" He asks obviously not knowing what to say.

"When we were gone, i had a dream, or Well I don't know If it really was a dream Cause in some strange way it felt special, like it really was reality. I woke up in what exactly liked like my room upstairs, I thought the whole kidnapping thing was a dream until I relised that I was stuck in a room that looked exactly like mine, but when I opened the door it was just a Wall and outside the window too.
I made the shelf fall down and on the back of it it was written Hanna Blanco. And I had a dream today too, when the blackdressed figure took away the mask, it was a blonde and pretty thin girl, Saying her name was Hanna Blanco and called herself cousin of Jorge and Lodo" Tini tells the story.

Dad stands up and walk into the livingroom, soon he comes back with a picture in his hand. He show it to Tini.
She looks at It and freeze.

"How-? It- it is her, in my dream" Tini says shocked.

Dad place the picture on the table for us all to see.
And Yeah, She looks just like Tini said.

"Why haven't you told us about her?! Is She our cousin?!" Lodo ask pretty upset.

"Yeah, She's your cousin. She has been physical sick since She was just a little kid so She was sent to a mental hospital, and I never heard that She got out, they Said her situation was very bad, I never thought they would let her out, and they should've informed me about it. Her parents and grandparents was there too, No one knows where her parents are, when Hanna got into the hospital they just dissapeared, her grandparents was there too since they tried to do something to my father, they took their lives in that hospital, one day Both of them were laying on the street and the window on the highest floor was open.. There are alot stories about it, some say that one of them pusched the other one and jumped soon after, others say that one of the nurses did it, Cause they were a nightmare to take care of them." Dad says and we listen carefully.

"Guys, I think we have the name behind H"

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