You're worth it

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Tini's POV

I read again, and can still not belive my eyes.
"Are you serious? We are going to Italy?!" I ask with big eyes.
"No Tini, it is just written on the paper 'we are going to Italy!!!' On the paper" Lodo says sarcasic but funny.

I jump on them and give them a big hug.
"You did not have to do all this" I say.
"We maybe did not have too but we wanted too" Jorge says.

We sit down on the big rock all of us.
"So, tomorrow night we will go to the airport, and we take the private jet to Italy, it takes like 16 houers" lodo says. (i don't know how long time it takes from Buenos Aires to Italy but i just wrote something)
"And you know we have a big beach house there?" Jorge ask, i nodd to answer.
"Well, thats where we will live for two weeks" he add. I smile big.
"And me and Mechi will come after one week cause we will visit my family in Italy, so we will take another flight cause it is at the other side of the country" Rugge says and I nodd.

Everybody went home, but we and Jorge and Lodo's parents are still here. We will clean a bit and then the guards will fix the rest.

I am outside and take away everything some people just have threw on the ground and put it all in a big bag. Then Jorge comes out to me.

"Mum and dad Said that we could go home and rest, we have much to fix tomorrow" he says comming down to me.
"Okay" I say and throw the bag in a trash can.
I look at him and give him a big hug.
"Thanks for everything today, all of you are so sweet" I say and he hug me back and place his head in the crook of my neck, I Love these hugs, I could stand like this forever.
"No problem, you're worth it" he says, we pull away and smile to eacother then Walk back to the others.

"Well bye guys, we see you tomorrow evening" Mechi says.
"Yeah, we do. Bye" we say and they leave.
"You four should go home and take some rest, it will be a long day tomorrow" Cecilia says.
"yeah" we all say.
"Diego, are you staying over or will you go home?" She asks.
"No, I will go home and fix a bit for tomorrow" he answers and Cecilia nodds. He kiss Lodo's cheeck and leave.

"I want to say thank you for everything and everything you all so for me. It really means so much, I can't thank you enough" I say.
"Aww..sweety" Cecilia says.
"You're family Tini and it is just fun to have you home" Erik says then, they give me a hug and then we head home.

We come home and the clock is over 12. I am really tired so i Walk directly to my bathroom and fix me. When i am done I Walk into Lodo's room. She is laying in her bed with her phone, probably textning Diego, cause she is smiling like crazy.
"Hey Lodo" i say.
"Oh, hi tinita" she answer laying her phone away.
"Thanks for today, it was the best birthday ever, I Love you " I say hugging her.
"No problem. Good night and I Love you too" she answers.
"Good night" I say and leave.

I Walk into Jorge's room, he is also laying with his phone.
"Hey" he says looking up from his phone.
"Hey" i answer going in and take a sit on the edge of his bed.
"Was your day good?" He asks looking up at me with a cute smile.
"The best ever" I say smiling. He twist his arms around me and give me a big hug. I hug him back and place my head on his.
"Good night Jorge, I Love you"
"I Love you too" he answers.

Jorge's POV

Tini Walk out from my room and I take my phone again and log in on insta. I look at the pic I posted before it is over 400 comments and over 40.000 likes. I scroll a bit through the comments and sees Tini's. It says "aww..thank you Jorge! I Love you too and will always be there for you💗" I smile to it, she is too cute.

*next day*

I wake up and look at the clock: 09:58.
I stand up and go into my bathroom and take a shower. When I am done I dry myself and take my clothes on. After that I Walk down to the kitchen where mum and dad sits by the table.

"Good morning" they say to me.
"Good morning" I answer while fixing a sandwich.
"Can you please go and wake Lodo and Tini up? You've got alot to do today, later we need to go to the airport and fix the jet, before you're leaving." Mum says to me.
"Yeah, sure" i say, place my sandwich on the table and make my way upstairs. I Walk first into Lodo's room. I shake her shoulder and she open her eyes.

"Get up, we've got alot to do today" i say, she nodd and get up, i Walk out from Lodo's room and into Tini's she's sleeping, she looks like an angel with the sun that shines through her window and hit her. I sit down beside her and shake her shoulder softly.
She start to open her eyes.

"Good morning" she says.
"Good morning" i answer.
"You need to get up, we've got alot to do, pack everything, fix the jet and stuff" i say and she nodd and get up.

I hope you like it! Please vote and comment💗

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