4x Adidas

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Tini's POV

I take a fast shower and put on my clothes. I dry my hair and make it straight with my iron. Then I Walk out from my room and bump into someone. I look up and see that it is Lodo. We start to laugh.

"Good morning" I say
"Good morning" she answer and both of us stop to laugh and Walk downstairs to get breakfast.

After breakfast I go to my room again and start to search for my suitcase. Where did I place that when we were away last time?

Jorge's POV

I Walk into Tini's room and see that she is searching for something.

"What are you searching for then?" I ask.
"I can't find my suitcase..." She says sad.
"Are you sure? It is not in the room where we have our suitcases?" I say sarcasic. Her face fast light up and she start too run out of the room. I laugh and Walk into my room and continue packing.

*some houers later*

*Tini's POV*

I am done packing, but not Lodo cause she can never decide what she will bring with her, so she asked me to help her and I Said yes, so now i am sitting in her room with her suitcase in front of me.

"Shall I take the yellow dress or the red?" She ask holding up two dresses.
"Eh..the red" i answer and she place it by all the other stuff.

When we finally are done Diego has come cause tonight we will go to the airport, we have to bring some stuff to it and then a couple of guys from the airport need to check that everything is okay and everything works as it shall with the plain before we leave.

I leave them alone in Lodo's room and Walk up to my room. I take a little bag from my closet and place it on my bed. I start to take stuff that i will have in it and place it on my bed too. I throw a pack of chewing gum, my phone charger, headphones, a pen and my diary. I start too place the things in the bag when Jorge comes in. He take a sit beside me.

"Hey Strawberry!" He says.
"Hey Jorgie" I answer laughing, he laughs too.
"Wait..where did you get that name from?" He asks. I shrug.
"I don't know. It's just cute" I answer and he laugh. His laugh..it is just..i don't know. His laugh makes me happy in some way.
"You had your diary as long as I can remember" he says looking at my diary who is now laying in my bag.
"Yeah, my mom gave it to me the first time me and Fran was home alone for the first time when they were on one of their trips." (her brother who now lives in Chile with his wife Julia and their little girl, Sara)
He nodd.
"Then it have too be important for you" he says.
"Yeah, I have my best memories, thoughts and stuff written in here" I say. It is a silence between us, until I brake it.

"When do we leave to the airport?" I ask.
"Uhm.." He look at his phone.
"About 30 minutes" he answers.
"Oh, okay..well, I should change to some more comfy clothes. So if you excuse me-" I say but he cut me off.

"Yeah, ofcourse. See you downstairs in 30" he says walking through the door.

I put on some more comfy clothes and put my hair in two braids, right when I am done Lodo comes in, we look at eacother cause we relise that we have the same pants on us. We start to laugh. (Outfit in media)

"So..i like your pants.." I say laughing.
"Really thank you! I like yours too!!" She answers and we laugh again.

We Walk downstairs where we see Jorge and Diego standing by the door and with the same pants/ trousers. How can we all have these at the same time? (These adidas trousers/pants are really usal in here where I live)

"Okay. This was a bit strange" Diego says looking at all of us. We all nodd.

"Okay, It's time to go to the airport!" We hear Cecilia as she and Erik comes into the hall.

We arrive to the airport, we Walk through some secuirity things and after to a gate. While they check the jet and stuff we sit on some chairs. I am so tired so I lay down with my head on Jorge's lap, just as Lodo already have done with Diego on the other side.

"Tired?" He asks looking down at me. I nodd to answer and yawn.
"You can sleep a bit if you want? We will enter the plain in about 40 minutes" he says. I nodd and cuddle up to him so close as I can and twist my arms around his middle.

Jorge's POV

I look down at Tini who is now sleeping since 20 minutes.
I look over at Diego who has Lodo sleeping on his lap. We laugh.

"It is scary that it is so much that we all do the same today" I say.
"Yeah..it feels strange" he answers.

Mum and Dad comes out from the door who leads to a 'corridor' to the plane with some staff behind them. Mum and Dad look at us.

"Are they tired?" Dad asks.
"Yeah" i answer.
"Well..you should wake them up, you can go into the plane. Your suitcases are in already" mum says. We do as the say and wake them.

"Tini, it's time too wake up now" I say as she start to move, she open her eyes and look at me.
"We will go into the plane now." I say.
"Okay" she says and stand up and rub her eyes that looks really cute.

Tini's POV

Cecilia and Erik give us all big hugs.
"Okay, be careful now and take care of eachother and you know that you can call whenever you want if something is wrong. Okay?" Cecilia says and you know in that 'mum-is-worried' way.

"Yeah, we promise" Lodo says.
"And don't do stupid things, I know you won't but you know we're worried" Erik says.
"We promise, you don't have to worry. We'll be fine" Jorge says and they smile to us.

"Okay, good. Well, I think you should go now. It is late and I see you are tired. So go and get some sleep. I Love you all" Cecilia says.
"Yeah. Good bye and have fun these 2 weeks" Erik says.

"Good bye" we all says waving and walking through the door who will take us into the plane.

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