Kisses -H

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Tini's POV

"...he is in coma" the doctor says and right then my heart stoped for some seconds.

All of us are quiet, not wanting to belive what we just was told.

He is in coma.

"Ca-can we see him?" Lodo asks shocked.

"Yeah, two and two" he says.

He follows me and Lodo to the door. By the door one of the quards is and one police.

"I let you go In alone and remember that he might hear, even if he can't respond" he says and open the door for us.

And there he lays. With something that helps him breath and something into his arm, probably because he won't be able to eat anything.

I Walk to him and stand beside him. I look at his face that use to wear a smile and those cute dimples, that face was now pale. I look at his eyes that use to look at me and sparkle like stars, they were now closed, and no one knows for how long..

I look at Lodo who stands on the other side of him.

"I never thought I would miss my brother this much. Even though all the times we have fight about stupid things and how much we have hated eachother sometimes, I miss him so much." She says looking down at him.

I take his cold hand in mine and hold it tight.

Suddenly Lodo's phone buzz.

"Hey, I will go and meet Rugge and Diego. They are here. I'll be right back yeah?" She says and I nodd trying to hold my tears back. She leaves and I look back down at Jorge.

"If you just knew how much I already miss you.." I say still holding his now warm hand.

"..and how much I would Love to be in your arms right now..and how sad the thought of that I might never be again is making me, I Love you so much, please whatever happens..never forget that" i say soft and kiss his cheeck.

I just continue to look at him.

What if he won't make it..?
What if I never get to hear his voice again?

"Jorge..please don't leave me..please..I should be laying in this bed, not you..please become fine again, please become that happy guy i always have knew"


Lodo's POV

Tini just fell asleep with her head in my lap. I can see on her that this is so hard for her, she's totally broken.

I read much on my phone, there are much with the title NEWS: ROYAL FAMILY IN TEARS or PRINCE JORGE ON HOSPITAL - IN COMA.


Tini's POV

We all are now eating breakfast, or all but me, I am just looking at my plate.

"Sweetie, I know it is really hard, but try to eat something" Cecilia says with her hand on my back.

"I can't.."i say in like a whisper.

"I should go to the studio and get my phone. I have probably some missed calls from fran" I say standing up.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Erik asks.
"No, thanks. I could use some fresh air" i say.

I Walk out of the hospital and feel the fresh air hit me. The weather is clody and not really warm. For now it is just perfect.

On the streets I see alot of security persons.

When I finally arrive to the studio there are alot polices. One of them comes up to me.

"Miss Stoessel, can I help you?" The man asks.

"Yeah, can I just go in and bring my phone and some of Jorge's stuff from his locker?" I ask. He nodds and let me in. First I Walk to my locker to get my phone, then to Jorge's.

I unlock it and see his jacket hanging there. I grab it and put in my bag, I grab his phone, I click on it. His backround is a pic of us holding hands in Italy and laughing. I smile. I put also that down in my bag. I notice some pics in it. I take the one that is shaped like heart down. He always Said it is one of his favourit pics.

 He always Said it is one of his favourit pics

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I smile again and decide to take it with me.

I close the locker and see that a piece of paper falls out.

I take it up from the floor and frown, it is something written.

Leave that bitch before I make you leave her, and then it will be forever. Make sure to watch out. It will happen sooner or later, but as they say 'the faster the better..or..?

What the hell is this?! Did someone treathen him?!

Fast I put the note in my pocket and start to Walk out of the studio in panic.

Should I tell the police? Lodo? His parents?

My toughts are just spinning in my head while I Walk up the street. Suddenly I spot Rugge. I run up to him and throw myself in his arms.

"How's Jorge?" He asks with sadness in his voice.
"I don't know..nothing changed during the night..what if he won't wake up?" I ask and look up at him.

"He will, I promise. You know he is so strong, and he would not leave you like this" he says and I small smile curls up on my face.

"I found something strange in his locker, it is a note" i take it up, he read it but does not look suprised.

"Did you knew about this?" I ask. He nodds.
"Why did he not tell me?" I ask.
"He knew what you would do. You would break up with him or make him break up with you. You would do anything to protect him and he knew that. He Said that he did not want to even imagine a life without you and  never live it" rugge says. Some tears start to roll down my cheeck.

"When did he get it?" I ask.
"When he came into his room after italy it was placed on under his duvet." He says and suddenly my phone buzz. I take it up and read.

Blocked ID: So now you know about me. Well..all in your little squad should watch out. I'm everywhere but nowhere.
                         Kisses my friend - H

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