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Tini's POV

I look up at Rugge and show him the text. Now it is enough.

"If that freak is making me deal with my boyfriend in coma with no one who knows if he is going to wake up or not and getting treats from a bitch who is going to watch every Single step I take i can't do anything about, but the creep behind that phone is going to regrett it every secound of it's/his/her life sooner or later and if he/she/it or whatever it is is going to destroy my life even more I swear I'll find you H and you're going to get payback!" I explode and Rugge grab me by my shoulders.

"I understand you, but you need to calm down" he says looking at me.
"How am I supposed to calm down when my boyfriend is in hospital and someone is Stalking me?!" I ask upset.

"Don't you get it? This is what "H" wants. He wants to break you down. Don't let him/her or whatever it is get that honor to win over you with it." Rugge says. I nodd slowly and relise that he is right.

"Yeah, you're right.." I say and sigh.

What on earth have I done to deserve all this..?


It has now gone some days and Jorge is still in coma. I go and visit him everyday since we all are home now. The studio is still closed and will be a while now.
The police still have not found something..I have not told them about "H". I tried once, but then all the messages on my phone got deleted right in front of me.

And it is not just me who get those texts anymore..Lodo, Diego, Rugge and Mechi get texts too. I don't get it, what have we done to get this? And who do we get it from?


I am on my way to the hospital right now to visit Jorge.
I come into his room and he lays exactly like he did 1 week ago.

The doctors still don't know if he is going to make it or not cause nothing changes.

I grab a chair and sit down beside him, I take his hand in mine, his hair is messy and his face pale.

"Please come back soon, I miss you so much.." I say and look at him.

Jorge's POV (missed writing that🙈💗)

I hear a voice, bit it sounds like it is really far away.

Wait..why can i hear but don't wake up? How hard I try, I just can't. What has happend?

"..I found that note in your locker, Rugge told me and explained about why you did not tell me.."

It's Martina!

"..why did you not just leave me? You know I want you to be safe, no matter what. And now you're laying here and..since i knew about that letter from 'H' it just feels like everything is my faulth, and I am so sorry.." She says and I feel something wet on my hand.

One of her tears...

This is one of the hardest things. Hear her saying everything and blame her self and I can't do a thing..not tell her it is not, that I Love her and nothing ever can change that. It is worse then to get a knife through your heart.

"..and that 'H' is just continuing sending all these texts..and it is just not to me, Rugge and the others gets them too.. I Walk around everyday like nothing has happend knowing that 'H' wants to see me broken, but I can't handle the thought of not knowing if you're comming back home, please..i really need you.." I hear her saying with broken voice

If she knew how much I wanted to just wake up and pull her into my arms and give her that hug she always says that she loves, i want to comfort her, I want her to stop crying, I want her to show me that smile she she always has when she is really happy..I want to tell her how much I love her..

I hear her taking a deep breath.

"Well..I need to go now..I really hope that you heard what I said even if you can't respond, I know you would have comforted me in one of these special ways just you can...

I can "see" her smiling..

"I Love you so much, I will come back tomorrow again.." she says, I feel her kiss my cheeck with her soft lips and then after a little while a door that opens and then close.

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