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Tini's POV

Jorge helps me with breakfast and when we are done everybody comes.

"So what shall we do today?" Rugge asks and take a sip of his juice.
"Well..it is pretty cloudy and it is blowing so i don't think a day by the pool is a great idea" lodo says looking out through the window.

"We could rent a car and just look around?" Diego says.
"Yeah, or?" Jorge says looking at the rest of us. We all agree.

We finish breakfast, me and the girls fix everything after while the boys are fixing a car.

I Walk up to our room and see Jorge taking up a sweater from his bag.

"Hi" he says.
"Hi. I will also put on a sweater, it is cold right?"
"Yeah" he answers putting his sweater on.

I also take a sweater on me (their outfits in media) and lay down on the bed beside Jorge who is on his phone. I twist my arms around his middle and place my head on his chest.

"When do we leave?" I ask.
"When the others are done" he answers and place his phone on the bedside table turning his face to me.

I look up into his sparkling hazel eyes. Eyes I get lost in too easy, these I fall in Love with everytime they meet mine..

I feel his lips soft pressed against mine.

We pull away and smile to eachother.

"I Love you" he says and I feel my cheecks turn into a bright shade of red.
"I Love you too" i answer and crawl into his arms even more if that even is possible.

When we Finaly gets into the car we all take a sit. It is a car with 7 seats so we all have a seat. Diego will drive so he and Lodo sits on the two front seats, behind them is it three seats where Mechi and Rugge use two of them. And in the back of the car there are two seats where I and Jorge sits.

After 30 minutes the sun start to shine, but it is still not warm cause it is blowing really hard.

I lean my head on Jorge's shoulder as his soft lips kiss my forhead. I smile looking up at him and he looks back down at me with the cutest smile ever.

Jorge's POV

She smiles to me, that smiles that shows that she really is happy..I would do anything to see this smile everyday, every second of my life.


We have stoped by a little hill. It is beautiful. It is a beach that you can see from it.
We place a big blanket down on the grass and have a picknick.

We eat, talk and laugh. When we're done with eating we sit down and just enjoy the sun even though it is blowing.

I sit with Tini between my legs (hope you understand) and my arms around her while she's on her phone scrolling through insta. She looks focused.

"Intresting?" I ask.
"Yes. Look at this dog! It is the cutest thing I've seen in my whole life!" She says showing me the picture of a dog.
"It's really cute. But I know something cuter" i answer placing my head on her shoulder.
"Come on. Don't you agree on that this really is the cutest ever?! What is cuter than that little puppy?!"

"My cute little puppy who right now is sitting right in front of me" i answer. She think a second but then she smiles to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

We all start to think about when we were small.

"I remember when Lodo came home to me for the first time and then a friend of my brother was home and he was like: wait..is not that the princess.. And my brother nodded and then his friend just ahh..what are you doing here?' Like it was the most obvious thing on earth and Lodo became so mad that she ran after him yelling through the whole house and then on the street" tini says as we all start to laugh.

"Yes...good times" lodo says sighing from all laugh.

Tini's POV

By early evening we're back again. Today Me and the girls decided to make pizzas for dinner wich made the boys really happy.

When we're done we put them all in the oven.

We call for the boys who all comes running into the kitchen taking plates.

"Hey what about we sit in the Livingroom while watching a movie?" Lodo suggests. Ofc we all agree.

We all take some pizza then we Walk to the Livingroom and fix a movie. The boys wants to watch a scary movie and we a romantic one.

"Pleaseeee" Mechi beg.
"Yeah! I promise you that I will scream so no one of you will be able to watch it" Lodo says.

"Come on. I promise i will let you lay in my arms" rugge says looking at Mechi.
"Everyone knows you would let her even of we watched Strawberry Shorcake" Diego whispers to rugge what makes everyone laugh.

"Do you want to watch a scary movie or not?" We all laugh again.

After a while the boys win as well. I lay in Jorge's arms that is twisted around my upper chest  and my hands on his with my head on his chest.

To be honest I would watch the most scary movie there are IF i could lay like this in Jorge's arms...


I open my eyes and look around me not feeling Jorge's warm arms around me anymore. I lay in our room in bed. I get scared of that the door opens and Jorge comes in.

"How did I get here?"
"You were asleep when the movie had ended so I carried you" he answers.
"Ah..well. Thanks" i say.

Jorge take his sweater off and lay down beside me.

"I'll just go and brush my teeth" i say as I head to the bathroom.

Jorge's POV

3 minutes later she comes back in one of my T-shirts that is way to big for her.

"I borrow this" she says with tired eyes and cuddle up beside me.
"Sure" i answer and lay a arm around her and kiss her cheeck.

"I am so happy that I have you" she murmur with closed eyes.
"And you don't know how happy I am that I have you" I answer soft and she open her eyes and look at me with a smile.

She hugs my middle tight.

Tini's POV

I wake up. I can't remember anything from before. I look at the clock 02:54.
I can't sleep and I don't feel tired anymore..probably because I fell asleep before.

I slowly stand up and Walk out from the room..

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