7. Emotions

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Song: Mean - Taylor Swift
"Hera be careful"

"Lexis don't go eating her up"

I hear amidst laughter.

We step in walking together but as we step in, he moves to my front. It's dark with little green lights shining at various corners. As we go slightly further, a body falls from the top.

"Jeeeeesus Christ!" I scream running to Lexis ahead of me and holding on tightly to his sleeves.

We stand there for a bit as I look around too scared to move forward. Lexis touches my hands and I'm grateful he is trying to comfort me.

"My sleeves, take off your hands," He says in an angry voice that quickly makes me do so all fear of the body that scared me gone from my mind.

Seriously? Why on earth did I agree to come in with him again? Is it possible to be drunk without actually having drank alcohol?

I walk slowly behind him and suddenly feel something grab onto my legs as I freak out jumping and turning so sharply I twist and bump into Lexis whose outstretched hands fall on my breast.

I slap him and screaming run forward but get lost as I stumble into a zombie with a saw in his head. I fall down to the ground, my hand over my head screaming and crying. Too scared to raise my head.

After what feels like forever I hear my name being called.

"Hera?" I hear and feel a hand try to raise my head, I scream out in fear.

"It's okay, it's me, Reid" Reid says holding me in a hug as he raises me up and takes me out.

I was scared and angry at myself and Lexis, he touched my breasts! And he then abandoned me alone! I'm pretty sure he touched my breasts on purpose. I should never have come here. I think to myself as Reid and I step out.

"Jessica you couldn't find anyone better to bring than this idiot?" Karen says mad.

"He he..." I say but couldn't bring myself to say it. I felt violated twice in a day.

"If you can't suck it up then leave!" Karen says adding, "You'd think someone stole her virginity," Causing everyone to laugh except Lexis and MJ.

I break loose from Reid and run, tears falling down my eyes as a few people watch me but none stop me. I was no idiot but they made me feel like one. I run not knowing where I am headed till I see a sign "female bathroom" and step in. I lean against the door as the tears from all my embarrassments for the day from a guy seeing me naked to my breast being touched accidentally or not , to my being scared and treated in a mean way. I had reached my breaking point. This was not how my first day at college was supposed to be.

"Noise...it's noisy..." Someone says. I sniff raising my head to see a girl head over the cistern.

"Tears..."She says and laughs.

She must be drunk. I notice the dry vomit on her mouth, wiping my eyes and turn the door knob to leave.

"Youlooktpamiliar..."She says.

     I turn to look at her. I don't know her, there's no way she could know me. Deciding she's drunk talking, I open the door to step out as she calls out;

"Be careful... He whoz muzt notz be named haz..." She says before puking in the toilet. I rush out before I throw up too and bump into Reid.

"Hera! Are you okay?" He asks and I hug myself.

"Every year we do something together to open the new school year and I chose this as today is the last day it's open, I'm truly sorry, we didn't know how scared you are of haunted houses," He says.

"It's okay, I just want to go home, can you please take me?" I say.

"But..." He says. His phone pings, he looks at it and types something while I wait.

"I got you a ride, he'll be out front in a black and white jeep wearing red, I need to go back to the crew or they'll think I'm scared" He winks and runs off before I can say a word.

Sighing I walk out front. I knew I shouldn't have come, this was a bad idea. A guy touched my breasts, not just any guy, the worst of them all! I needed to stay away from Jessica's friends except maybe Reid. It seemed it'd be easy to do considering I was sure they didn't like me. I look around stepping outside and see the Jeep. I stand by the open passenger window and look in seeing no one.

"Stealing from a car while the owner is around isn't very smart" A male voice says next to my ears.

My favorite character is about to be introduced! I know you all love Reid but I love this new character more but that's just me lol what do you think? :-)

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