13. Friends

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Trouble maker - Trouble maker

"I won't say I know him, and I'll rather it stays that way," I say.

"Can't blame you," Nathan says.

"What's he doing here?" I ask.

"Serving his punishment for smashing his professors car last semester," Nathan says.

"This is punishment?" I ask looking around. This had to be the best punishment any one could get except you hated kids but it was obvious from the smile on Lexis face he didn't. It was beautiful, his smile. I shake my head pushing out the thoughts. Nathan raises an eyebrow but continues.

"For Lexis it is," Nathan says.

"That's impossible he is having a blast!" I say.

"See his smile?" I add.

Nathan tilts his head to the side.

Lexis gets up.

"We are done for today since it seems the birds around here can't stop chirping," He says just as a loud honk is heard outside followed by loud music.

I look towards the window, as I and Nathan are standing to its right.
I see two cars with their door open in the car park.

"Isn't that..." I start noticing Zane leaning against one car kissing MJ while Reid leans against his jeep texting, a cigarette in between the fingers of his other hand.

"Les miserables? Yes," Nathan says a look of disgust on his face.

He turns to Lexis who is placing on his jacket. While the kids all look on confused. I'm horrified that the kids might see the scene outside. Nathan walks towards the window and stands next to it.

"Tell your friends to at least have some decency on this premises," Nathan says and I nod in agreement hurrying to his side by the window. One hand halfway in his jacket, Lexis stops.
His eyes flicker between two of us, A lady rushes in.

"Did he already ...oh," She says noticing Lexis. She smiles at him. He glares at her. She quickly turns around not wanting to be the victim of his wrath.

"Come with me kids, it's time for Pizza!" She says and the kids cheer all rushing out.

He shuts his eyes and opens them, places on the jacket, and walks over to us.
He pushes Nathan lightly to the side not too hard to make him fall and not too gentle just enough to get him out of his way. He comes next to me. I'm scared. Will he hit me? What if he hits me. I close my eyes in fear as he raises his hands.

I feel his hands tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Tell your friend... to mind his business," He says to my ear his lips slightly grazing my ear. I stay still rooted to my spot. He steps on the window sill and jumps out the window.

Update! I wrote something else but wasn't satisfied so I changed it to this. What do you think? Don't forget to vote :-)

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