74. Disvirgined

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Song: Rihanna - Kiss it better
2 updates in a day!!!

He immediately pulls off my top from the top of my head and pauses to stare at my upper body covered by a bra. His breath heavy.

"I liked mickey" he says in reference to my plain bra as his eyes perk up in a smile. He presses his lips to my neck trailing kisses down to my chest. My breathing intensifies as my body jerks up. His hand trails to my back caressing my skin as it makes its way to my bra strap while he kisses my cleavage. My bra straps unclasps as he removes it moving his lips to my breasts, his tongue flicks my nipples causing me to moan. He gently holds it between his teeth as my hands find its way to his hair needing to hold onto something. He release my nipples and covers my breast with his lips sucking onto it.

He pulls back whispering in my ears.

"Take off your pants" and steps back.

My arms move to my waist. This was it, I could see it in his eyes. If I took it off then I was giving him permission to go all the way but if I don't then this would stop here. But I had made up my mind. This was the guy I was going to be married to. My husband. Would it count as a sin if I had sex with him now? Would God forgive me since this was my husband to be? Since I had decided to marry him in a few days or a day? I knew what I meant to him and what he meant to me. Once we united in body the bond binding us as one will be made. My flesh overwhelming my spirit I decide. I was ready and willing. I loved Lexis and needed to be one in not just soul and mind but also physically with him.

He takes another step back. Realizing he may take my time spent to think as rejection, I unzip my jeans pulling down my pants.

Lexis eyes darken as he takes in a deep breath and runs his finger against his lips. He walks forward and takes me off my feet in his arms dropping me gently on the bed letting my legs dangle out of the bed as the other half of my body is flat back to the bed.

"Are you ...are you sure? We don't have to..." He starts voice unsure.

"I'm sure" I say.

He takes a deep breath and nods.
He gets on his knees in between my legs. I'm confused. Isn't sex meant to be his body on mine and his penis in my vagina?

His hands trails from my waist to my pants. He gently pulls it down. Oh my goodness did I shave?! I freak out looking down at my clean shaved now revealed wet labia. Thank goodness I shaved the day he asked to date me. This would have otherwise been embarrassing.

His tongue licks his lips. Before bringing his head down. My eyes widen in shock.

What's he doing?
He trails kisses along my things, sucking, biting, as his tongue finally get to my labia. I feel his tongue against my skin as it teases, flicking, grazing, slowly. I moan in need not sure why or how it made sense but needing it deeper.

The tip of his tongue licks my clitoris gently stopping to lick my inner thighs again before finding its way back to my vagina. His tongue entering, swirling, licking. As I my body jerks up and I scream in pleasure grasping onto the bed covers. He swirls in me as if searching on an expedition in me with his tongue.

He suddenly let's go and I want to scream in anger at the loss of contact and pleasure.

He captures my mouth with his own, our lips intertwining. My hands move over his back, needing to feel him. I wanted and needed to feel him against me. His fingers skim my labia, rubbing. Pressing. He touches a sensitive spot causing me to release a gasp in response to the touch, my core clenched tight as I whimper.
His finger continue, gliding and rubbing my clit in a way making my core contract and my senses turn into a blur. I was wet.

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