9. Broken pieces

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. "Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives... for better or worse!"
_Lucas Scott
One tree hill

Fall out boy -I don't care
"Oh my goodness" I cry out looking at the shattered glass all around, my eyes landing on Lexis.

"What are you doing here?" I say mad at the sleep interruption and the breaking of one of the two of my favorite glass cups.

"Jessica," He says like that one name held the answer to everything.

"She's not back," I say.

"I know" He says smirking, stepping on the glass and walking towards Jessica's bed. I look at him speechless as he steps on the glass further spreading it around.

"Stop! You're spreading it" I say. He looks down and stops moving. He sits on the chair next to him and crosses his legs. Realising he isn't planning on cleaning up his mess.

I ask,

"Won't you clean that up?"

He shrugs.

"Not my room" He says and grabs a magazine from the table opening it up and leafing through the pages. I wasn't ever a violent person but meeting Lexis has been revealing different traits I never knew I possessed, one being that I wanted to punch him right now. I glare at him. He ignores me and starts laughing. I have read that magazine, I know there's nothing funny in it. Meaning he was laughing at me.

I wanted to punch him again. And I did, in my mind. I sigh and get up. Picking up the broom, I clean up the glass all around the room. When I get to Lexis he removes his shoes and jumps on Jessica's bed. He chuckles and covers it by coughing.

I punch him the third time, in my mind.

Sighing I clean underneath his shoe and take the trash out to throw away. Grabbing a cup with me.

I stop to take a cup of water from the fountain and return. Stepping in, I see Lexis naked with the exception of his boxers leaning against the wall, pillow propped behind him on Jessica's bed, Magazine in his hands. My cup comes crashing to the floor, water spilling everywhere with glass shards.

"Are you okay?" He says a sparkle of laughter and mischief in his eyes.


I always find it amazing how you start writing a chapter with an idea of how it'd end and then something else comes to mind while writing , this chapter was to end without drama but it seems Lexis and drama go hand in hand hence it materialized.
What do you think? Are you Team Lexis or Team Hera in this chapter?

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