31. Hell

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Song : Imagine Dragons - Demons
    Somehow I find myself at the beach house. It's more a beach mansion than a house. When you say house I think a warm cosy little three bedroom with a little garage attached to it, not this gigantic three story building in an area of town deserted from the others. Jess somehow convinced me to come and so here I was, in my sweatshirt, jeans pants and converse.

       We step into the house flooding with males and females on every floor and corner, drunk, making out, playing games, dancing or puking. We walk towards the crew gathered in the kitchen. No one else but Lexis and his friends were in the kitchen all gathered around the counter playing some alcoholic game with cards that I didn't understand nor care to understand. I sit on a counter not feeling like joining in and observe.

        Lucas is winning every round and growing quite a few more heads in pride because he was apparently always the one who lost. Everyone was convinced he was cheating because it didn't make sense that he was suddenly the best. Lexis vouches for him as Lexis like me is not playing but sitting on a huge chair by the corner observing everyone like a king overseeing his subjects. Why did he always have to act like he was king and we were his subjects?

      I turn my attention back to the game and observe. I notice something that makes me sit up. Lexis is helping Lucas win by giving him clues on the others cards, touching his face. I chuckle, Lexis looks at me and raises an eyebrow daring me to speak. I shake my head, he grins focusing back on the game and cheating. Zane passes me a cup and walks to sit down. I didn't even notice his getting up, too focused on Lexis cheating. Thinking it's juice I take a sip and spit it out. It spills on Zane.

"It's not juice!" I say looking at Zane.
Everyone bursts out laughing, Lexis looks on an annoyed expression on his face. Why was he annoyed? Shouldn't I be the one mad?

"No shit Sherlock," Zane says and everyone starts laughing. I look at their expressions.

"Wait...you planned this?" I ask.

"Figured you've never had a taste of alcohol, couldn't bear to answer to God that we let his child never taste it in college," Zane says.

"Or her life," Karen adds.

"I'm pretty sure it's the other way around, the devil drinks alcohol not Christ," I say.

"Are you sure you read your bible?" Lucas asks.

"Is she already drunk?" Mj adds.

"Are you stupid? You do realize that Jesus turned water to wine right?" Lexis says looking at me like I was stupid. They all start laughing once more

That's true, but he didn't have to call me stupid, I'm human.

"I forgot" I say and wrapping my arms around my body I bite my lips wanting to leave. A look breezes by his eyes. It looked like regret? But what could Lexis possibly regret? Surely not calling me stupid, he loved putting me down so I must have over read his expression.

"So? How was it?" Jess asks.

"Weird, hot and slightly bitter," I say trying to not let Lexis get to me. I had to be strong around this people, around him.

      They nod and go back to their game. Lexis gets up and walks over. He approaches the kitchen top and stands in front of me. I put my hands to my right ready to move out of his way but he places his right hand on the cupboard door blocking me.

"Are you that scared of me?" He asks leaning down as I move back towards the wall. I wasn't scared, the distance between us just made me nervous.

"I'm not scared," I say still leaning back. He leans further in causing me to raise one leg one hand up to protect me from... I'm not sure what.

"Then why do you keep leaning back?" He asks a smirk on his face. He leans back and opens the cupboard, grabbing a cup he shakes it in front of my face.

"I came for this," He says before walking back to his seat. I let out a huge breath. I quickly grab the drink and take a huge gulp forgetting it was alcohol in my nervousness. The game continues like the alcohol incident never happened, Lexis continues cheating and I silently observe. After over thirty minutes of alcohol, cards, taking off tops and kissing which I had no idea how the innocent game got sexual and not wanting to see more or be pressured into joining as Karen was about to remove her bra, I get down wanting to look around.

     I have no idea what they gave me but either it's too strong or my tolerance is low as I start staggering walking forward. I pick a cup of water and gulp it down. Stopping , I rest against a wall.

"What have we here?" A guy says.

"Eye!" I say smiling.

"I like your hairzt" I say feeling the alcohols effect on my words.

He grins and moves closer to me.

"You do don't you" he says as he holds me against the wall and starts kissing me.

"Nozt pstop" I say trying to push him away. He continues tightening his hold on me and placing a kiss against my cheek.

"Nop... nos ...no!!!!!" I scream coming to my senses as his hands hits me hard against my cheek before licking my cheek. I try to get out of his hold, screaming.
Tears start falling from my eyes as I scream for help. Is this my punishment for drinking? Even Adam and eve got served theirs for taking from the forbidden fruit. I try getting him off me while screaming, praying for help.

I feel him jerked from my body and look up to the sight of Lexis eyes dark without emotions looking at the guy now on the floor.

"An insect like you ...dares to touch what's mine?" He says in a silent yet chilly tone that gives me goosebumps. The atmosphere seemed to change along with his mood change as MJ and Karen rush to my side, I slide down hugging my body. Jess, Reid, Lucas and Zane all form a blockade around the guy sending people away who were too drunk, the sober ones knowing it's time to leave and leaving on their own.
          Lexis folds his sleeves gently walking forward towards the guy on the ground. I look on in horror as the darkness that seems to have overtaken Lexis, fills his eyes and consumes it.
Lexis is no longer there, the devil has taken over and he is bent on sending the guy to hell.

Update! all in favor of Hera staying away from parties say aye! Lol
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