55. shadows

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Song: Tiwa Savage ft Dr Sid- if I start to talk
       I allow the tears fall as he holds onto me not asking any questions just simply being there. I was grateful for that. The coldness of his hands in a weird way warmed me and gave me the comfort I needed.

"Sleeping, the doctor...what the?!" I hear Keith say as I feel Lexis pulled from my body.

I quickly get up just in time to see Keith punch Lexis.

"That was for the bet," Keith says.

"And this is for laying next to her," Keith says striking another punch.

"Keith!" I scream in shock for him to stop as he releases his hands for another punch and Lexis not wanting to be hit thrice moves to stop it.

"Stop it now you two!" I say as Lexis moves to throw his own punch. Both their hands pause midair.

Keith smirks.

"No!" I say too late as Keith throws a third punch but Lexis stops it and throws one of his own which Keith beautifully misses thanks to his military training.

"You can protect her while I'm gone. Now we are good," Keith says stretching out his hands for Lexis to take. I don't rush to Lexis side because I now understand Keith's behavior. He was testing Lexis to see if he could protect me from him.

Lexis raises an eyebrow but takes Keith's hand and throws him on the ground.

"The heck!" Keith cries out not expecting that move.

"No...now we're good," Lexis says.

What is this? Who can do it better?

The real idiots of Hera's life?

Keith gets up chuckling and they both shake hands.

"Why am I here?" I ask Lexis though I had an idea why.

"You blacked out earlier in the school court so I brought you here,"Lexis says.

"Sleeping, the doctor says you are good to go so we can leave," He says.

I nod getting up. Lexis rushes to my side to help me.

"I'm not sick," I say.

"No, just weak," Lexis says lifting me off my feet in his two arms in bridal fashion.

Keith starts laughing. I glare at him.

"Sleeping you truly became sleeping beauty," Keith says.

"Where are we headed?" I ask.

"Home," Lexis says and turns to Keith.

"You're welcome...I'm guessing you're her brother?" Lexis says.

"Brother? Me?! Never! I'm her other half, her savior," Keith says a twinkle in his eyes.

"You're uninvited then," Lexis says and Keith bursts out in laughter.

"Sheesh Of all the guys in the world why did you go pick the jealous type?" Keith says.

"Don't mind Keith he's messing with you. He's my brothers best friend and a third brother to me," I say smiling thoroughly enjoying laying in Lexis arms.

We all leave and approach Lexis car.

"Wow!!! Is that a Mercedes Benz G CLASS?!!!!" Keith says in awe. Lexis smirks.

"Just got this recently but I amped the horsepower to a 600," Lexis says.

"Woah dude! Sleeping if you ever break up with long haired guy I'll disown you!" Keith says as I roll my eyes. This was so cliche. Didn't guys do anything or talk of anything apart from cars???

We step into the car and I shut my eyes allowing their conversation on cars distract my thoughts.

We finally arrive at the house. I step into the room ignoring Lexis and Keith who it seems had just found his long lost half. They were now discussing guns.

I'd like one to shoot them both!

But...I loved them both too much to ever do that so I walk quietly into my room and taking out my phone, dial Jamie.

"Hello," I say as he picks after the first ring.

"Hera! It's me," I hear my mum's voice.

"Honey I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry," My mum says, voice worried, weak, filled with guilt and shaken.

I sit on the ground not trusting myself to stand through this.

"It's not your fault," I say.

"It is if only I'd never..." She starts

"Mum why was he approved?" I ask.

"They said he had exemplary character so they cut his sentence short," She says.

"Don't worry I promise no harm will come to you," She says.

"You don't know that," I whisper back.

"You are in a different state, he won't find you. It's all my fault," She says and starts crying.

"Maybe if I talked to him..." She starts but I hear the angry and firm no from my dad in the background.

"Hera?" I hear Jamie's voice through the phone.

"Mhmmm," I reply.

"Dad is working hard with mum to get him thrown back in...how they could even release him after everything he did," Jamie takes a deep breath.

"Don't worry and keep living your life, he can't find you," Jamie says.

"What of...what of mum?" I ask.

His number one target was me but that didn't mean she was excluded.

"She has dad, she's safe and you are hidden far away so you are both safe," Jamie says.

If I was truly as safe as they claimed why was dad fighting to throw him back?

"You don't have any social media account either and you don't take pictures so you are good," He says.

I close my eyes remembering the bet revelation. Videos where taken and pictures. Hopefully he won't see it. He can't right?

"I need to go help dad with something but tell Keith I'll call him later. I'm just so thankful you at least have Keith there," Jamie says and I nod in agreement. I was thankful too but then Keith leaves tomorrow.

What happens when he leaves?

Ehhh I was feeling generous lol don't forget to vote and thank you for all the congratulatory wishes!

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