60. Sorry's or thank you's

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Song : Try Everything - Shakira

Is it just me? In my head we are besties lol

I wish I didn't have to write this chapter lol as it's meh to me but it had to be done as it builds the foundation for what's to come and explains some things...

"Nathan can we talk later?" I ask.

"Please?" I add not wanting to face him unprepared. He looks conflicted but nods and leaves.

"What's you problem?" I say to Reid.

"Just helping set things straight," Reid says.

"Well your help wasn't needed I and Nathan are just friends," I say getting irritated. I was still mad about the whole bet thing and now this.

I turn to walk away.

"Hera! Wait!" Reid calls out stopping me.

He jogs over.

"Jess said you moved in with Lexis?" He says.

What's this? Lexis wasn't the one who told him yet he opened his big mouth to Nathan?

"Is he ok? Are you both okay now?" Reid asks his voice hopeful.

"I don't see why I should answer you," I state.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"No," I reply walking away.

"It's important, it's about Lexis," He says stopping me.

"What's wrong with Lexis?" I ask my expression immediately getting worried.

"Where did you move to?" He asks.

"He didn't tell you?" I ask surprised yet not fully surprised as Lexis did say he never took anyone there before me and now Keith.

"He won't, if I know, his dad may find out and find him," Reid says.

"Then why would you think I'll tell you?" I say, did he think I was stupid or was he the stupid one?

He smiles.

"I don't care where he lives as long as he's okay and seeing as you are now together I think it's safe to believe that?" Reid asks seeking validation.

"Then why in the name of why did you ask?!" I say getting frustrated.

"Because you wouldn't have stopped to talk to me," He says.

"Hera can we please talk?" He asks.

"We are talking," I state.

"No...I mean about the bet, there's something I need to let you know," he says.

"Please Hera, I know you are mad at me at all of us and you have every right to me but please hear me out before cutting me off?" He says

"Okay," I say and he claps his hands together in joy as I roll my eyes.

"Come with me," He says leading me away.

             We head to McDonald's and find a seat.

"So?" I say not wanting to waste time or order anything.

He places a picture in front of me. It's a picture of three people.

"Is this..." I start.

"Karen, Lexis and I? Yes we knew each other from when we were kids," He says gaining my interest.

"When we were younger I was weak, Karen would always get bullied by the other kids and I was too cowardly to help," He says.

      What's this? Everyone has an excuse for their horrible actions?
I stand up not wanting to hear another person say why they did what they did.

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