46. Rebirth

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Every Single Day - Echo (I can hear your voice ost )

Because, sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been. And remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."- Mouth One Tree Hill

Let me go cry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
How??????? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Nathan drops me off in front of my hall and I step out voicing my thanks.

"See you in class tomorrow," He says as he drives off.

       I take the elevator up and get to business making the seaweed soup. I wanted to make it now in case Lexis decides to stop by today and if he doesn't, it will be ready waiting for him in the fridge whenever he does show up.

As soon as I'm done adding the last ingredient I walk back to my room to rest. As I step in I notice Lexis on my bed seated at the tip.

I smile.

Lexis is on my bed.

Not Jessica's bed.

My bed.

"Hi," He says his eyes looking tired.

"Hi," I say smiling.

He taps his hand against the bed next to him.

I chuckle and walk over seating next to him. He places his head against my shoulder. I stiffen for a second surprised at the action but quickly regain my composure and relax in joy at the fact that he was willing to lean on me.

"Have you eaten?" I ask not wanting to pry on what happened to him that has him weak. Whatever it is, I know it's not good. From what I've come to know of Lexis it takes a lot to make him weak, powerless and only one person could touch the right buttons thereby activating that, his father.

"Mhm mm," He murmurs, I smile at the cute act and place my hands on his taking his hands in mine.

I lightly glide my thumb against his hands.

"I've got a surprise for you," I say. He raises his head and looks at me curiously an eyebrow raised. I chuckle loving his little expressions and the fact that I was getting familiar with them and their significance.

"Hold up," I say as I get up and walk out heading to the kitchen.

     I check on the soup and taste it. Satisfied, I turn off the cooker and pour the soup into a bowl and place a spoon in it. I walk to my room and call out to Lexis.

"Lexis, " I say needing him to open the door.

A few seconds later the door opens.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Alexander. Happy birthday to you !!!!" I sing out smiling but internally scared of what his reaction would be.

He stands still not moving as a barrage of emotions consume his eyes and flow haphazardly.

"Why?" He asks.

"I know your birthday isn't a day you celebrate or a day filled with good memories so I decided to give you a new day to celebrate your birth....A rebirth, the day you were born again, a day for fresh beginnings, to a life lived not like a dead man walking but as a man filled with life, love, hope and peace. It doesn't matter what day you were born Lex, what matters is you were born, you life matters your birth matters, you matter. Love again Lexis," I say.

He stays silent looking at me his eyes getting glazed.

"I don't deserve this...you, not after all I've done," He says.

"You need to stop the self blame. Yes, you've made some horrible decisions but it's not too late to take a new path. Make the right decisions. Live again, for your mum who would hate to see you living like a dead person, for your friends who love you, for me but most importantly for yourself. You deserve it Lexis. Live again," I finish and bite my lips.

He raises his hands and I shut my eyes scared he'd hit me.

"Tastes horrible," He says.

I open my eyes and notice the spoon in his hand. He wipes his lips with his thumb.

I chuckle as tears fall down my eyes in joy and relief.

"You're weird," He says placing his forehead against mine and wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"So are you," I reply.

"I like weird," He says.

"Normal is overrated," I reply and we both chuckle as he plants a kiss against my forehead.

I was feeling inspired and generous so here's a double update in a day :-)

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