18. Blame Lexis

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I literally check wattpad every half hour to see if this has votes or comments. Lol to all who take the time to leave a comment or vote, I heart you!!!! I truly do!

Song : Good girls go bad
Cobra Starship ft Leighton meester

I wanted to get out. I had no business attending an illegal event. What was I doing with this folks?
"Can you please drop me off so I go back?" I ask for the seventh time since we drove off.

"No," Reid replies smiling. I was quite impressed at his perseverance still answering me. Jess gave up after the second no. I sigh.

"Why?" I ask.

"You need some spice in your life," Reid answers.

"Says who?" I say my eyes widened in frustration.

"Lexis, but I agree," Reid says. I nod, I should have known that thing had something to do with this. How does he always find a way to change the path of my otherwise normal life? Normal...maybe that was it. My life was normal, no excitement like them. But was it worth it? I've seen one kind of excitement and that didn't end well.

"It's illegal and dangerous why do it?" I ask curious.

"The adrenaline rush. Whenever you're out there racing another car, it's the best feeling," Reid answers.

Illegal, dangerous recipes for disaster.

"Everyone is out there to make a name, to be the fastest," Jess chimes in.

"And who is? The fastest?" I ask.

"Lexis," Jess says smiling proudly. Why didn't I find that surprising? His attitude was horrible enough to beat anyone out of his way.

"Do you race?" I ask Reid. If Lexis did and always won I figured he won't, why race when you know you won't win?

"I've been doing it for quite a while. Started out as a hobby, then it became more of a passion as I started getting faster," Reid answers.

"If Lexis wins why continue?" I ask.

"The adrenaline" Reid says. I shake my head. I'm no street racing expert but I've watched enough Tokyo drifts and fast and furious to know how dangerous it was regardless of how good it may feel or they where.

"Aren't you scared of getting injured or even dying?" I ask. Was the adrenaline worth losing your life? I wonder.

"There's no foolproof plan but I don't think there's a foolproof plan of being safe, even just driving down a regular public street during the day or night cold get you killed. You never 100% know what's going to happen," He says.

I stay silent digesting his comments. He was right in a twisted way. I mean even I, after everything wasn't safe if in one month the approval is granted. There was no foolproof plan to safety. I bite my lips. Why live without fun all to be safe when that's not a foolproof plan? I've tried that and I know from experience it makes no difference, whatever will come your way will come your way. It's what you do when it comes your way that matters.

"Like Lexis always says, you never know when you'll die, why not make it fun?" Jess adds.

Why not?
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