24. Fireworks

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My first time experimenting this kind of chapter so let me know what you think :-)
Caught up - usher
Most of our lives are a series of images, they pass us by like towns on a highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever - Lucas One Tree hill.

"Where the heck have you been"

Where the heck have you been

Where the heck have you been?!

I was fuming mad. How dare he ask me that when he abandoned me on the road last night without caring? I couldn't stand him and didn't want to speak to him ever again. I ignore him and walk toward's my closet to get a change of clothes.

"I asked you a question," He says.

I stay silent.

I hear his footsteps approaching and turn.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I say.

"Why didn't you sleep here yesterday?" He asks.

"Seriously? You are really asking me that? You abandoned me Lexis, on the road, in a town I'm unfamiliar with late at night! I could have been killed, raped, but Lexis the great could care less what happens to me during his one too many episodes!" I scream.

"Hera..." He starts.

"No, don't you dare Hera me! You don't know what it feels like to be abandoned so don't stand there and act all high and mighty," I say as tears fall down from my eyes. I quickly wipe it off hating myself for crying because of him and in front of him.

"Fuck," He says shuffling his hair and pulling me in for a hug. I try to push him away.

"I'm so sorry," He says as I try to wriggle away not wanting to listen.

"Please, Hera I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He pleads placing pecks on my head. Holding me tight.

I must not cry, I must not cry.

He places his forehead against mine.

" I went back but didn't see you, I searched everywhere, I was going crazy," He whispers, his voice sounding choked.

      I let out a deep breathe. He came back? He was worried? I raise my eyelids and look at his face. He had eyebags and his shoulder is down as if dropped in worry and resignation. He must have been worried sick wondering where I was and seeing as Jess isn't here he didn't call her for my number but was worried all by himself. The guilt must have driven him crazy with various emotions. He had punished himself for the car and there was no use adding to his problems by not letting it go. My hands make their way up touching his cheeks. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Okay" I say.

"Okay?" He replies.

I nod in answer shutting my eyes to take a deep breath. 

"I know what it feels like," He says.

I open my eyes and look at his filled with emotions I can't comprehend staring right into mine as if searching my soul for his soul. He knew what it felt like to be abandoned? Who in their right mind would abandon this handsome human? I feel bad for him, for his history. I want to know his story but I want him to be ready to share it. Everyone has a history and I know just too well how it isn't easy to share those and open up. The fact that he even told me something this huge shows he is beginning to open up to me letting me into a sea to drown in, float with him or drown together. I ask myself again. At the end of this who'll be healed and who'll be in need of healing?

       I move to turn my face but he cups it in his hands turning it back to face his. I raise my eyes staring into his. There was an invisible force drowning us both in the depths of our eyes.

His lips come down against mine. His lips dry and cold from worry touches my moist one dampened from the tears. He gently nibbles on the upper lip requesting entrance. I grant it to him allowing his tongue slide in grazing against mine playfully. So this was what the girls who got kissed in movies felt? My hands go around his neck of their own accord and I tiptoe to match his height. I taste the saltiness of my tears mixed with the minty taste of his as our tongues interlock, intertwining as two becoming one, exploring the depths of our mouths as if searching out secrets.

His lips leave my mouth and trails around my cheeks. He gently bites down towards my neck, his breathing gets heavy.

"Hera," He says in a husky voice filled with lust. My mind blows into fireworks in the sky as I loose my senses to the lust for him. My vulva and vagina ache in need. I take a deep breathe in as he bites my neck gently, I place my hands on his chest.

I look into his eyes filled with need and want, thoughts of my virginity and abstinence long gone, all common sense driven away.

"Is it too late now to say sorry" my phone rings slapping me to my senses, I quickly pull away from Lexis. Running out of the room.

Update! lol don't forget to vote :-)

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