21. Alive

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Song : Alive - sia
As soon as his lips touch mine I freeze. He puts his hand around my waist but is immediately pulled back. He looks or rather glares at Reid.

"They're coming," Reid says.

"Fuck," Lexis says looking around, I look around too and notice everyone driving out.

"Come with me," Reid says lending me his hands. I put forth my hand to place in his but Lexis intercepts snatching my hands.

"Take Jess," Lexis says dragging me with him.

"But..." Reid starts.

"Not today," Lexis shouts back. He stops and looks back at Reid.

"Run," He says before leading me to his car. I step in and look around. Jess is watching us as Reid makes his way back to her. I put on my seatbelt noticing Lexis has none. I open my mouth to comment on it but he immediately takes off making me scream. He goes past two green lights.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh slow down!" I scream but Lexis ignores.

"Ahhhhhh..." I start again but he shoves a burger in my mouth.

I remove it and glare at him. He has a smirk on his face I wanted to slap off. He slows down and actually stops at the now red light.

"Do you hate your life that much?" I ask. He raises his eyebrow looking at me.

"You didn't drive like you wanted to win earlier but instead like a maniac that wanted to die, and now you're driving with no seatbelt on," I say.

He wipes the smirk of his face and stays silent. Figuring he wasn't going to answer I ask the other question on my mind.

"Why did we run?" I ask.

"The cops were on their way," He says. I nod in understanding.
Wait, how did he even know that? I didn't hear any sirens.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I've my ways," He answers swerving to the right lane. I stay silent looking out the window.

Why did he kiss me? He couldn't possibly like me right? Jess said he never dates so what was I to him? Another one of his play things?

"You got it wrong," He says causing me to look at him in fear. Did I just think out loud? Please Lord, no.

"Your previous question, I drive dangerously not to die but to feel alive," He says.

"Oh," I say breathing in relief at the fact that I didn't think out loud. Regaining my senses I ask,

"And now?"

"I'm just living, but those few seconds of what you call suicidal acts, are the moments that remind me I'm alive...otherwise I'm dead just floating," He says looking forward.

I look at him. Really look at him. It was hidden but when you truly paid attention you saw pain hidden underneath his mask, darkness and dark feelings. He was barely living. He was walking but not living. He needed those life and death staring in the face moments to feel alive. It reminds me of someone I know too well.

I open my mouth to speak,

Is it to late now to say sorry?
my phone rings. I look down at it.

It's James, I shut my eyes. I was just forgetting. I pick up and place it on speaker while I bend to pick up my earring that fell while Lexis was speeding.

"Gummy bear!" James calls out.

"Hey," I say not as excited to speak to him. He was a reminder of what I wanted to forget.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"I'm alive if that's what you're wondering," I say, his warm laughter resonates through the car. Finding the earring I sit up.

"I truly miss you, if only you were here I'd feel..." He says as Lexis brings the car to a sharp stop at a street corner. I hold the dashboard to prevent myself from hitting my head.

"What's wrong with you!" I scream in anger and fear interrupting Jamie.

"Me?" James says through the phone.

"No not you Jamie hold on, I'll call you back" I say cutting the phone.

"Get out," Lexis says. Glaring at me. Eyes dark.

"Are you crazy?" I ask.

"Get out!" He shouts and I flinch. Something passes his eyes, an expression I didn't catch fast enough. He turns his face to look out the window.
I sigh and get out slamming his door. He drives off leaving me alone, cold in the streets. I keep forgetting but moments like this remind me of how I don't like Lexis and should never have allowed his germ filled lips touch mine.

I've been abandoned by the same guy, twice in one day.
Now we are back in business lol.I have a love hate relationship with Lexis lol.
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