27. What shapes us?

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Song: How to save a live - The Fray
"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes -- all you need is one."- Peyton Sawyer -One tree hill.
"I'm sorry" Nathan says.

"For what?" I ask.

"Not telling you about Lexis," Nathan answers.

"Why didn't you?" I ask.

"Well Lexis and I are brothers only by dad...and we don't precisely get along," Nathan explains.

So they were half brothers. I tilt my head.

"Why?" I ask

"I'm sorry that's not really my business but..." I start.

"You want to know," He finishes and I nod.

"When we were younger, Lexis came to live with us. I was a child, a spoiled brat and a jealous one at that who couldn't stand knowing I wasn't the only child. So I framed him for theft. Two days later, he was sent away," Nathan says a sad expression on his face.

"Did you regret it?" I ask.

"Yes, when he came back a few years back, I learnt what it means to cross Lexis. He returned the favor and had me sent to military school," Nathan says.

"Military school?" I ask my eyes widening in surprise. Nathan didn't seem like a military school alumni.

"I know, I don't look it right?" He says and I chuckle.

"Not one bit" I say shaking my head smiling.

"It's back," Nathan says.

"Let me guess, my smile?" I ask and we both laugh. I take in a deep breath.

"So since then you've hated each other?" I ask.

"I don't hate him, I feel more of pity for him," Nathan says.

"For Lexis?" I ask my brow furrowed.

"Why would you feel pity for that jerk?" I aak bewildered.

"Every jerk has a story, some are not an excuse for who they now are and some shape them into who they are," Nathan says.

"So you don't believe that our pasts aren't excuses for our actions?" I ask.

"I believe certain pasts don't give choices on what you become, they mold you into what they want taking away your freedom of choice. So yes, I do think some are excuses, but not all," He says.

"Sometimes our environment shapes us without giving us choices, later on its our choice to break out of that," I state.

"Agreed but environments vary, certain environments and circumstances don't give you a way out especially when it's all you know, what you need is someone to break you free someone to enter that world and give you the way out," Nathan says.

"Then why don't you help him break free?" I ask.

"Lexis met me once and held a grudge for over ten years, he got his vengeance but still let's me know though our paths cross we can never merge, I'm part of the environment that made him who he is so I can't help," He says a resigned look on his face. He looks out the window and back to the front.

        Someone to break you free, someone to enter that world and give you a way out, I'd seen how he was being monitored and realised how suffocating that must be. Did I simply misunderstand him. What was his story? What experiences had he been through? He once said he was abandoned. Lexis hid so much hurt in him from the world putting up a wall by being a jerk and a mess but what if it was his way of crying for help. Did I want to step into his world to help him break free? My experiences made me want to but was I ready for the troubles it'd bring? At the end, I ask myself once more, will I heal him or will I be in need of healing?
I turn to look out the window as we drive off in silence.

2 updates in a day! :-)
A little background on Nathan and Lexis but do you think that's all there is to it? Is Nathan telling the truth?
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