70. Patient: Alexander Black

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Song : BTS - SAVE ME

Much as some of us fight it, our parents have a mystical hold over us, the power to affect our thoughts and emotions the way only they can. It's a bond that changes over time, but doesn't diminish, even if they're half a world away, or in another world entirely. It's a power we never fully understand. We're left only to wonder that when our time comes, what kind of hold will we have on our children?" Lucas Scott One Tree Hill
If the chapter length bothers you so much then please for both our sakes stop reading this book because it's not going to change...this chapter is over 1600 words which is more than my usual chapter length. 😉😇

Warning if you have a mental problem or are easily triggered you may want to skip this chapter. It's important but so is your health.
We drive off in silence. I'm not sure where we are going neither do I ask.

"Where are you?!!!" A message from Nathan comes in.

"I don't know, we left campus about 3minutes back," I reply.

The assistant seated in the front passenger seats phone rings and he picks it up.

"Young master," He says as my ears pick up. Young master? Isn't that what the housekeeper called Nathan? Was this Nathan or Lexis? The assistant turns to me, ears still to the phone.

"You have an exam?" He asks.

"Oh my goodness!" I say remembering my exam.
I couldn't afford to miss it.

"I'll take care of it," The assistant says cutting the phone.

"Excuse me," I say as he dials a number on his phone. He raises his hands asking me to wait.

"Hera Reynolds can't make it to her college physics exam today," he says making me sit straight. Who was he speaking with? He stays silent for a while as if waiting for something.

"That works, thank you," He finally says cutting the phone.

"Did you attend your last class?" He asks and I shake my head. Too much happened with Jake and Lexis, I didn't.

"Your exam was postponed to Friday," He says and shakes his head, just as he says that a car drives up to ours blocking our way.

    Nathan steps out walking over to my door to open it but the door locks are in. The assistant let's down his window.

"I told you, she has an exam to attend," Nathan says.

So he was the one on the phone.

"You must have also missed class it seems, seeing as the professor himself admits to announcing its postponement last week," The assistant says.

"You can't just take her with you, this is kidnapping!" Nathan says.

"Miss," The assistant says turning to me.

"Were you kidnapped?" He asks.

Nathan shakes his head at me his eyes begging me to play along with him.

"Nathan, I'm okay, I promise," I say thankful that he still cared for me even with all our recent problems. Not wanting to cause problems between the second son and his dad, one son was enough I didn't want to be responsible for tearing his family apart more than it already is.

"If she's not back by this evening, feel free to call the cops," The assistant says letting his window back up. The driver reverses and drives around Nathan's car taking off. I turn back to the image of Nathan standing in the street, helpless.

                We arrive at the Headquarters of the Black empire, and I'm lead to a room on the highest floor. We pass through various security checks before stepping into a room with a door you only see in movies as bank vaults. The assistant opens it and we step into a silver room with just a table, two chairs, a t.v. and another door at the far left end.

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