44. Consciences

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I just had to feature this comment on my story by I_don't_wanna :
"....it's like my eyes can't stop listening to your words"

It's so beautiful! Do you write? If you don't please do I'm curious about how your wording will be considering how beautifully this was worded. And thank you for your beautifully worded compliment :-).

No 20 in teen fiction!!!!!

I heart you all to the moon and back!!!
This was my favorite oth song excluding the theme song.
Song: feel this - Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill)

"Is it possible to regain your lost soul?" Lexis asks.

"Do you want it back?" I reply.

He stays silent.

I squeeze his hands.

"The fact that you are thinking of gaining it back means it's still there, it just needs to be fully awakened," I say smiling.

He stays silent rocking us sideways slowly.

         I wake up to the brightness of the morning sun and a blanket around me. Removing it I look around but see no sign of Lexis. I walk up to the kitchen.

"Lexis?" I call out.

The doorbell rings.

I put on my pants and walk up to the door, opening it revealing a man dressed in a black suit.

"May I help you?" I ask wondering if he lost his way. Considering Lexis said no one comes here but him.

"Miss Hera?" He asks.

"Yes," I state wondering how he knew my name.

"The young master asked that I take you home," He says.

The master, Lexis?

"Lexis?" I ask.

"Yes Miss,"He says.

Lexis left? Without me?

"Where's he?" I ask.

"At the head quarter's," He replies.

"But it's Sunday," I say, who goes to work on Sunday? Except...

"Is he okay?" I ask worried. If he was at headquarters then his dad might be there.

He looks at me with curious eyes.

"I'll be waiting in the car," He says turning to leave.

I guess that means my question wasn't going to be answered.

I walk back in taking one last look around the living room. I grab my bag pack and phone and walk out to the black car waiting in the drive way.

"Do you know my address?" I ask as he takes off.

"Yes Miss," He says with a finality to his tone ending room for further conversation.

I look out the window.

Why didn't Lexis wake me up to take me back? What was so urgent that he left me alone and had to send someone to come get me? What was so urgent he had to go into the headquarters? What did he do this time or what didn't he do? I was worried about him and needed to know he was alright but had no means of knowing.

"You can let me off here," I say as we approach a road with lots of shops. Feeling suffocated in the car.

"I'm sorry Miss. If I drop you off anywhere but your Hall, I will loose my job," He says.

My eyes widen.

Fired? For not dropping me at my Hall? I stay silent the rest of the ride not wanting to do something that'd lead to the poor guys demise.

We finally get to my Hall and I step out saying thank you.

As I step into the Hall I see Nathan sitting down stairs.

"Nathan?" I call out.

"You're back!" He says the smile on his face immediately brightening my mood. Nathan had that effect. He was like the bright morning sun after the dark night.

"What are you doing here?" I ask surprised at seeing him here.

"Well two things. I'd like to know if you'd still be okay working for Lea. If not, I have another job for you. I just got a call about it earlier today," He says.

I chuckle.

"It's been eating at you hasn't it?" I ask.

"Honestly? Yes, I just want wanted to find a new job for you ASAP then apologize. I totally forgot he goes there. I'm truly sorry," He says apologetically.

I wasn't mad at him plus it was close to impossible to be mad at Nathan but I had some questions I needed answered and this was a perfect opportunity.

"I'll take up your offer for a second job not Lea's but...on one condition," I say smiling an idea coming to mind. It'll help distract me from Lexis and his current location.

"Wait you are the one in need of the job why am I being handed conditions?" He asks.

"Because you're the one who felt guilty and wanted to apologize," I say.

He squints his eyes at me suspiciously.

"Why don't I like the sound of that?" He says an eyebrow raised. I start laughing. He just did the eyebrow thing Lexis does.

"Goodness you're really brothers!" I state.

"Huh?" Nathan says confused.

I shake my head not bothering to explain.

"I'll just quickly freshen up, do you want to come up?" I ask not wanting to leave him sitting out for long again considering he's been waiting for me.

"I'll wait here, I have a few calls to make," He says.

I didn't believe him, he most likely didn't want to infringe on my privacy. That's the thing with Nathan, he respects peoples privacy and space which makes me worried that I won't get what I want from him today.

I walk towards the elevator.

"May the odds ever be in your favor Hera," I quote Hunger games as the elevator doors close shut.


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OK soooooo I started a second job (just got done with an overnight shift and i have another job in two hours ...i'm off to bed) which limits the time I need to relax and write...but I'm going to try my best to continue with the 1-3 days upload...but certain days that may not work and in return when I do upload after those days it'll be double uploads.


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