69. Consequences

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Song : Lecrae - Confessions

July 1 2016 5million reads!!!! Thank you for sticking with me:)

      I finish taking my shower after standing at the same spot for over five minutes after Lexis left too stunned to do otherwis, wear my clothes and step out. As I step into the room I notice Lexis on the bed sleeping or pretending to be asleep. Thankful for his unconsciousness or his pretense, I shut the lights, get into the bed and pick up my phone.

"Don't forget you have an exam in two days," My reminder says. Goodness, I forgot! I have to start studying from tomorrow. I lay down on the bed placing my hands together in between my legs and allow the silence engulf us both as I fall asleep.

     The next two days pass on quickly, with my being busy preparing for my first exams and Lexis writing projects, unlike most of us, Lexis had a different syllabus due to his IQ. We spent our nights with coffee and crackers bent over our laptop or books. If there was one thing I was really gratefully for it was the fact that I moved in with Lexis. He made studying fun and helped me with my studies in a huge way explaining things in the easiest way possible. During this period I got to confirm just how intelligent and wide read he is. Though his major was business, each time I had a question on a science problem or got stuck, Lexis helped me effortlessly.

"Why are you studying business again?" I ask him for the nth time the night before my last first exam which was for College physics 1.

"Because I can't let Nathan take my company," He says and I shake my head. He could be out there saving lives with his brain but instead he chose something that even Nathan has no interest in just to keep it away from him. Tired and ready for bed. I call it a night leaving Lexis to his projects.

    The next morning I wake up to an empty house. Assuming Lexis had an early morning class. I get ready for mine. As I get to the living room I notice a note with keys on top. I walk over and pick it up.

"I never asked, can you drive? If yes...hold up...Can you drive WELL without leaving a scratch on the car???? If yes, then here are my keys, drive yourself to school. If no, don't dare go even an inch close to the car.
- The Evil Queen.

       I smile at his thoughtfulness but chuckle at his choice of words dropping the paper.  If he left his car for me how did he leave? I wonder. I didn't know how to drive so I leave the keys right where they are and hurry to catch my bus.

         As I arrive at school, I walk to the memorial union to grab a cup of coffee and before my class and sit to catch up on the news. Growing up, my parents would always watch the 10pm news and make us all watch, as I grew older it became a hobby and habit I enjoyed as a source of pleasure. Most teenagers my age stayed away from the news except it had to do with TMZ or EOnline but I had grown to love current affairs and politics more than entertainment news. I liked knowing what was going on around me but being busy preparing for this exam and everything else that has happened in my life these past weeks, I totally forgot about the news. I open my news app.

"Peter Black's crazy heir"

Is the first thing I see trending and quickly click on it. Putting on my headphones as the article also had a video.

"During the celebratory party of Black industries successful buy out of Exip holdings, Alexander Black heir to the Black Empire acted violently hurting a few guests who are now suing and also made some staking allegations."

I quickly click on the video not bothering to read ahead.
It's a video of Lexis speaking on his dead mum,throwing the glasses and the lady being injured. It also showed Nathan and I trying to help her.

"You know one thing I can't seem to wrap my head around is his statement about his mum" An expert says.

"Exactly! That's your mum standing by you yet you called her such repulsive words, was he drunk?" Another expert panelist says.

"You know maybe he was revealing some family secrets? You know how most of this families have birth secrets? Maybe he found out Lea Black, the attorney wasn't his real mum and lost it? That'd explain why his brother and date abandoned him," The News anchor says.

"No, but Anderson if that was the case why is there no record of her? You just said your correspondents have been searching for proof of his words and found none," A panelist says.

"I think he just had a bad day and was being a spoilt rich brat, there I said it," Another panelist says causing me to roll my eyes.

"This isn't the first time Alexander has acted in such a manner, I mean this is a child that smashes his professors cars, gets in fights and allegedly illegally races and ruins the lives of kids at his university GSU, I mean take the kid he had the best on the one currently raking up views on YouTube. I've heard he has allegedly committed so much crimes he should be serving at least 5 years behind bars but gets away thanks to the Attorney General," The panelist finishes.

"Are you accusing the Attorney General of..." Anderson starts.

"I'm not accusing her of anything I'm just saying there have been rumours which frankly makes this news to me, seem like just another day in the typical entitled life of Alexander Black," The panelist says.

"But on the girl, the victim of his bet, isn't she the same girl at the dinner?" The anchor asks.

"She is which makes this whole thing seem like a publicity stunt" The panelist who thinks Lexis is entitled says.

"Well we do have the victim of Alexander's assault on the phone and we shall be hearing from her right after this short break," Anderson says as they go on a commercial break.

I quickly exit the app and call Lexis but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hera?" I hear someone call out to me and look up noticing Nathan. I quickly get up and rush to him.

"Nathan what's going on with Lexis? Why didn't your family block this?" I ask.

"It's what my dad wants," Nathan says.

"What he wants? Why would he want his dirty linen out for the world to see?" I ask not seeing the sense in this.

"Because it gives him the upper hand over Lexis, Hera that night I called you my date to throw my dad off you and Lexis' back," He says.

"I guessed that but..." I start.

"My dad has a PhD in the subject called Lexis he knows what makes Lexis go off and realizing that Lexis had gone against him, he used his trigger to get the upper hand so he has something against him," Nathan says.

"Oh my Goodness, did I just make things worse?" I say feeling worried and scared for Lexis.

"You definitely didn't help but then again Lexis knew what he was getting into by bringing you to the party. I just hope it doesn't affect you. That's what I was trying to avoid," Nathan says.

"Oh Lord..." I say remembering how the assistant was going to stop Lexis but didn't, the smile on Peters face, the devil played a game of chess and we became his victims! Peter thought Lexis inherited his madness from his mum but I was beginning to see where Lexis got his manipulative skills from. What was wrong with the world? Why couldn't there be more dads like Seth who loved you unconditionally? Instead of looking for ways to kill you, ruin you, win over you and pull you down?

"Excuse me," I say to Nathan rushing out of the memorial union needing to find Lexis. As I hurry towards the business building, a black tinted SUV drives up in front of me blocking my path. The door is opened and the assistant always by Peters side gets out.

"Good day, Lexis said to come get you," He says opening the passenger door.
I was pretty sure Lexis didn't but I needed to know what Peter was planning. I quickly text Nathan and Lexis praying it gets to Lexis.

"Your dad sent his assistant to get me"

I step in and the assistant shuts the door.
Dear Hera did you forget you have an Exam??????

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