67. Dirty linens

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Hera is Still a virgin for those of you wondering.

Song : Crazy - 4minute

"Charles Bukowski once wrote; 'There will always be something to ruin our lives. It all depends on what or which finds us first. You're always ripe and ready to be taken.'" Lucas Scott One Tree Hill.

"You know a thing or two about madness don't you?" Lexis says and I notice Peter ball his hand into a fist.

Peter's assistant takes a step forward but stops.

"Considering you made my mum go so crazy she killed herself," Lexis says and gasps break out all around as people start whispering.

        Why is no one stopping Lexis? Lexis said Peter went to great lengths to stop his 1st wife being known to have ever existed is that why Lexis is suddenly revealing this?

Peter releases his balled fist and turns, a smile on his face that was so evil and insincere, it made me want to turn and run on my heels.

"Lexis, your mum is standing alive and well behind you," Peter says using his hands to gesture at the distressed looking Lea.

         Lexis kicks the table next to him causing it to tumble and fall spilling it's glasses and dishes which spill on some guests, the glass cutting a guest who screams out in pain. Nathan and I quickly rush to her side.

"Don't you ever call that goldigging opportunist, my mother ever again!" Lexis says.

"Are you okay?" I and Nathan whisper to the lady as I grab a napkin to cover the blood spilling. Nathan signals for help and some men in black rush over taking the lady away and that's when I notice the media all around recording and taking pictures. I was so focused on the face off between father and son that I failed to notice the media. If this goes out wouldn't that be bad for Peter and Lexis? But they're rich so they can stop it right?

"Where did your manners go? I never raised you to speak in such a horrible manner," Peter says.

Lexis chuckles.

"Where my manners went, where did my manners go?" He laughs turning around and gestures to no one in particular and says in between laughter.

"He says he raised me,"

"You need to stop him," Nathan says a worried expression on his face.

"Why don't you stop him? You're his brother," I whisper back.

"That he hates, I can't," Nathan says.

"And I can?" I reply.

"If he loves you, he will listen," Nathan says as Lexis stops laughing and glares at Peter.

"Forgive me if I don't have manners I was raised with mad people, trapped in a straight jacket locked behind bars in an asylum but hey you did a great job of raising a mad man," Lexis says.

          Peter smiles, the devil of a father actually smiled. Between Peter and my sperm donor of a biological dad Jake, I wasn't sure who was more of a monster. They were both scary men who'd go to great lengths to achieve what they want regardless of their families even burning them in hell if that's what it would take to make the two men happy. I feel goosebumps on my skin.

"Mr Black?" A beautiful hispanic gorgeous lady wearing a navy blue gown says. She looks around and smiles either oblivious of the situation or not caring.

"Is everything okay?" She asks walking over to stand by the side of the father son duo.

Lexis completely ignores her.

"Katrina how nice of you to join us, meet Lexis," Peter says but she ignores him and smiles at Lexis.

"So you're the famous Lexis," She says eyes intrigued.

          Lexis turns and walks over to me ignoring her completely, he puts out his hand for me to take and I place mine in it as he raises me up a little too quickly causing us to come chest to chest and face to face I feel my heart skip a beat. He grins.

"Shall we leave?" He asks and I nod, we walk away.

"When you're done throwing out the trash return for the dinner" Peter says causing Lexis to pause bringing me to a halt. I squeeze his hand to prevent him from wrecking more havoc due to Peters statement directed at me.

Lexis squeezes back before turning to finally look at Katrina.

"I shall be leaving with my girlfriend, seeing as Peter invited you feel free to date him, he likes investing in the poor and pays well for the services offered," Lexis says as he turns. We walk away from the chaos he left behind and the smiling face of Katrina watching us leave.

        Throughout the ride back Lexis and I don't talk to each other. I allow the peace and quiet so he has his time alone even though I'm in the car. As we get home I notice the door is unlocked. Seeing no one in I assume Keith went out to grab something. Lexis walks towards the room with artworks while I head to my room. As I step in I notice a paper on the bed and pick it up.

"Sleeping seeing as it's so late and you're not back the proposal to be his girlfriend must have gone well. Our little princess finally grew up. After Lexis told me of his plans I decided to leave today as previously planned so as not to disturb *cough* your *fun* lol. I love you and will always be here if you need me Even without a phone call, you know we both just have that amazing telepathy that makes me know when you need me.
Your Real Prince charming Keith."

I finish reading and chuckle. Locking the door, I take off my clothes and head to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Maths helps me blank out, Shakespeare helps me think and solve problems, showers helped me relax and let go.

      As the hot droplets of water fall on my hair and body slowly unknotting the burdens of the night, I close my eyes gaining comfort from the heat and the warmth it brought.

What's going to happen now? Will his dad let Lexis go? Would Lexis' face off with his dad be publicly broadcasted? I think as I feel hands wrap around my neck.

It's amazing how one word can change everything...In place of neck it could have been waist and given a whole different meaning or look into what may come but with the one word "neck", I leave you with many options.
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Random but I want popeye's chicken 😂😂😂

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