83. Planners and Crashers

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Song: Psquare : No one like you

"Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always. A promise. Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone. The belief in each other and the possibility of love. A decision, to ignore or simply rise above the pain of the past. The covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties. The celebration, of the chance for two will always be stronger than one. Like a team, braced against the tempest’s of the world. And love... will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality.. only an announcement to the world for feelings long held. Promises made long ago -- in the sacred space of our hearts." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill.

     "What have I gotten myself into?" Is the question I've been asking myself for the past few minutes. After speaking with my dad, I was dragged by my mum and Lexis to Alexander Wang's office where we were currently going over measurements and ideas with Jess as there was no time to waste.

      Like Jess said, he was truly a genius at impromptu creations but even then he couldn't do anything too extreme due to the time on our hands. We had decided on one of his old designs which he was going to revamp into a dress made of lace and silk.

     The top bodice of the dress was made of silk at the front with the dress fitted at the waist clinched with a diamond which was to be the eye catching detail. The back was made of only lace shaped like two doves kissing each other. The lower skirt of the dress was to have six layers in the form of a pannier made of lace with the train from my hair train extending 18 inches along the floor. Alexander Wang had come up with that idea which my mom loved. The hands were short sleeves in the front that became straps at the back. Alexander Wang decided that it'd be best to let my hands out with the scars and all as he believed gowns should tell a story of one's life but since mine couldn't do that then my body should do the story telling. Lexis loved that idea and somehow convinced me to agree to it.

    My mum and Jess had each chosen red and ash gowns respectively that were already made and simply needed to have minor adjustments made. We had decided that early in the morning my dress would be delivered to my dorm where I was to stay the night before the wedding to preserve the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride the day before.
    After finishing up there, Lexis went home to pick up the guys to go get their suits after dropping of my mum, Jess and I at my dorm where we go over everything else needed for the wedding which was not much. Jess being the gem she is had already purchased my bouquet, boutonieres, and reserved a hotels hall for the reception which I was convinced was not needed.

"I don't need a reception," I repeat for the nth time to my mum and Jess who also ignore me for the nth time. Giving up, I stand up and sit on the bed. Seeing as they didn't even need my input I wonder what I am doing here.

"What of the choir?" My mum asks.

"I was thinking Lucas could play the piano and we could scratch that out," Jess says.

"Lucas plays the piano?" I ask surprised at this skill of his I was never aware of.

"Yes, he's been trained since he was a child," Jess says finally answering one of my questions. I nod in awe.

        After that they once more tune me out, making phone calls and confirming details on who is officiating, which was to be the church's pastor, the guest list which consisted of; my family, Jess, Nathan, Reid, Karen which I wasn't a fan of, Zane, Lucas and the press which was Lexis' job amongst other details.

      I didn't have friends apart from Jess and Nathan whom was not in on the secret, so I didn't mind the guest number. Lexis apparently wanted to pay for a jet to pick my family's friends up but my mum refused and so did I. I wanted something small with just my family.

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